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Message #00717
Re: Reverse accounting entries cancelling invoices
On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 12:18 PM, Nhomar Hernández <
nhomar.hernandez@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> @Borja. - @ovnicraft
> IMHO -- I'm not agree, in several countries (Venezuela is one.) cancel
> proccess _must_ create a refund BTW, it creates a draft document, don't you
> think is easiest delete a draft document (refund that you will not use) than
> make a separate module for this very commun feature?? .
If you check the code it create a reconcile between invoice and refund,
OpenERP release must implements standard accounting process, create another
module is a way but make it better is the __right__ way.
Create a refund document as openerp trunk is doing now, is confuse for user
how you can identify with __really__ refunds and the state in invoice when
cancel it pass to Paid what is completely wrong it must pas to Cancelled.
BTW i am implementing my suggestion in
Best regards,
> Regards...
> 2010/8/27 Ovnicraft <ovnicraft@xxxxxxxxx>
>> On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 11:53 AM, "Borja López Soilán (Pexego)" <
>> borjals@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Ovnicraft wrote:
>>> In the revno 4776 Fabien merged from addons3 changes in refunding
>>> invoices but is not a clear process, when select cancel in filter_refund
>>> field Cancel option also create a Refund document, but in accounting when
>>> cancel a document is not created other to 'refund' i think this is a bad
>>> practice to cancel invoice document.
>>> I hope an explanation for this changes from OpenERP SA
>>> I'm not sure I really understood you, but as reference...
>>> I think that we need both refunds and cancellations, the first option is
>>> a legal requirement (at least in Spain), the second one is an usability
>>> need.
>>> Examples:
>>> - Refund: I create a customer invoice, I confirm it and then send it
>>> to my customer. Some days latter my customer notices that the tax is
>>> incorrect. Now I'm required (in Spain) to either create a new invoice with
>>> the difference between the original and the expected values, or create an
>>> invoice refunding the whole original invoice + a new invoice with the
>>> expected values.
>>> - Need of cancellation: I create an invoice for one customer, I
>>> confirm and print it. When it's printed I notice that I used the wrong tax.
>>> As I haven't sent the invoice, I'm legally allowed to alter that invoice, so
>>> I need to cancel it to be able to edit it (cancel, then set to draft)
>>> without creating a refund.
>> Exactly is what i say the cancel process don't need create a refund
>> document, if you test trunk cancel button create a refund.
>> I say cancellation is wrong creating a refund.
>> Regards,
>>> --
>>> Borja López Soilánborjals@xxxxxxxxx
>>> Pexego Sistemas Informáticos S.L.
>>> Avenida de Magoi 66 - 27002 Lugo (España)
>>> Tel./Fax 982801517
>>> Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario y puede contener información privilegiada o confidencial. Si no es usted el destinatario indicado, queda informado de que la utilización, divulgación y/o copia sin autorización está prohibida en virtud de la legislación vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma vía y proceda a su destrucción.
>> --
>> Cristian Salamea
>> @ovnicraft
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> Saludos Cordiales
> Nhomar G. Hernandez M.
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Cristian Salamea
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