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Re: User's documentation


Hi Albert and Cloves

On 12/12/2009 03:27 PM, Albert Cervera i Areny wrote:
> A Dijous, 10 de desembre de 2009, Cloves Almeida va escriure:
>> Oh. Now I understood. You want to be able to modify the OE manual so you
>> could generate a "custom manual" given your module set.
> Right.
>> Sound's like a nice but tricky to implement idea. You'd have to be
>> certain that manual's structure wouldn't change that a lot.
> I don't think it's tricky to implement. I think it's feasible to:
> - Use OpenERP to create the manual. That is docs are in the database just like 
> translations, etc. At that time I suggested docbook, but we could use standard 
> <record/> entries, maybe.

IMHO that's a goooood idea! We can develop a module for creating
documentation using the client which will allow us to link resources and
retrieve information/values/whatever place them into the doc.

The process could be as follow:

- I create my module and install it. By first installing mine I can link
or retrieve information directly from it
- I install the module doc_creator (or whatever)
- I go to the menu "Create a doc"
- I choose my module
- I write my doc and save it

and here comes the last step...

> - Create a process to migrate current documentation to the new system.

- I export the XML of the doc and I place it into my module

> But what is really important is to agree that the system is worth it. If only 
> a few are going to use it, then it has no sense to implement it.

What about that?

Best regards,

>> CJ
>> Albert Cervera i Areny escreveu:
>>> A Dijous, 10 de desembre de 2009, Cloves J. G. de Almeida va escriure:
>>>> Nah. just saying "old module used to do this. Now does that."
>>> Right, but you'll need to hook it somewhere in the main manual, don't
>>> you? Wouldn't you use some kind of inheritance to say, at least, "in the
>>> invoicing proces docs add this paragraph at the very end"?
>>>> On 12/10/09, Albert Cervera i Areny <albert@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> A Dijous, 10 de desembre de 2009, Cloves Almeida va escriure:
>>>>>> position will blow up child docs. Also I believe it's better to
>>>>>> explicitly tells in doc what stuff you are changing/implementing then
>>>>>> replacing the old doc with new doc.
>>>>> Do you mean copying old doc? How would you replace the old doc with the
>>>>> new one? Do you mean replacing the whole manual?
>>>>> --
>>>>> Albert Cervera i Areny
>>>>> http://www.NaN-tic.com
>>>>> Mòbil: +34 669 40 40 18

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