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Re: User's documentation


I agree with idea of documentation and the idea of contextual help too.
How about a new object like ir.documentation and use the regular record tag
to fill data.
Then is should be linked to views, actions and menus. So when the help
button is clicked on the client we can offer contextual help for the view
the user is in
the advantage is initially we could use the doc we already have as a single
entry and link to all the views and menus and refine as we go
Sharoon Thomas,
Business Analyst & ERP Consultant,
--Sent from Google android

On 12 Dec 2009 15:07, "Simone Orsi" <simone.orsi@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Albert and Cloves

On 12/12/2009 03:27 PM, Albert Cervera i Areny wrote: > A Dijous, 10 de
desembre de 2009, Cloves Al...

>> Oh. Now I understood. You want to be able to modify the OE manual so you
>> could generate a "cus...
IMHO that's a goooood idea! We can develop a module for creating
documentation using the client which will allow us to link resources and
retrieve information/values/whatever place them into the doc.

The process could be as follow:

- I create my module and install it. By first installing mine I can link
or retrieve information directly from it
- I install the module doc_creator (or whatever)
- I go to the menu "Create a doc"
- I choose my module
- I write my doc and save it

and here comes the last step...

> - Create a process to migrate current documentation to the new system.
- I export the XML of the doc and I place it into my module

> > But what is really important is to agree that the system is worth it. If
only > a few are goi...
What about that?

Best regards,

> >> >> CJ >> >> Albert Cervera i Areny escreveu: >>> A Dijous, 10 de
desembre de 2009, Cloves J....

Simone Orsi simone.orsi<at>domsense.com Via Alliaudi, 19 - 10064 - Pinerolo
(TO) - ...

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