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Message #01051
Re: getting feedback (was: Web widget for Editable Tree views barely usable in trunk)
On 2012-12-07, at 12:06 , Alexandre Fayolle wrote:
> On 07/12/2012 10:19, Xavier Morel wrote:
>> Sure, these issues should have been found and fixed during the merge
>> proposal[0], and the interaction model of the list view could have
>> rather easily been altered back then if it was unsatisfactory. However
>> they were not, and your messages are pretty much the first external
>> feedback I've seen since the new list edition was merged *back in July*.
>> I could have missed it of course, but I noticed your messages so…
> Hello,
> I'll chime in, because it seems to me that there is a deep issue here.
> Partners tend to work on the stable version of OpenERP, or even on the
> LTS versions. This is at least the case for Camptocamp, but I'm pretty
> sure we are not alone in this case. The quite opaque development process
> of trunk makes it very hard for the external eye to follow what is
> happening on OpenERP SA's side : the kanban tracker for new features is
> not public (cf. discussion on this list with Olivier Dony a few weeks
> ago), so all we get (AFAICT) are the raw merge proposals. Of course
> technically it is 'enough', but to say the least, it is not very
> convenient
You won't find me disagreeing with that (the section you quoted
originally started with "ideally" and listed a bunch of issues of
launchpad's pull requests and — especially — OpenERP's historical
and current issues in using and handling these, but it strayed far away
from the message's original point, into half-formed thought and proposed
little solution so I decided to cut it for now and put it in a buffer
for later use)
> IOW, since partners don't feel very involved in the
> choices made by OpenERP SA, it is very hard for them to get an incentive
> to monitor the development of trunk until the release of the next LTS is
> about to happen and they have to think about starting new projects for
> their customers using that version. Which means that feed back often
> comes in late.
No disagreement on that either. My intention was not to put any blame on
partners or users, simply to explain how we could have reached this
point without noticing UI/accessibility issues on e.g. the list view.
> This state of affairs saddens me. I'd be happy to discuss this, as I
> have some ideas about improving the situation, but don't know if / how
> they can be applied as I have no ideas of OpenERP SA's constraints.
I'd certainly be interested, though this thread isn't really the place
to do it (and doing it in person might be more productive if there's the