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Message #00099
Re: Beyond the wiki page: planning an International Community Portal
On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 3:48 PM, Stefano Maffulli <stefano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Fri 11 May 2012 11:54:21 AM PDT, Doug Hellmann wrote:
>> I certainly don't see anything about that in the terms of
>> service.
There's definitely a way to "migrate" the ownership of a group (and
the 144$ yearly fee responsibility) among users. You can nominate a
new "Organizer". (just did that for various reasons).
Not sure there's a real need to delete a group. You could just post a
- go here for future events post on the group's page....
> Right, there is nothing there. I have heard stories from people that
> ran groups on and had problems closing/migrating away from
> there.
Part of the issue of migrating is maintaining contact with the
previous members. Folks / Meetup own their contact info. You can
export the details the members decided to share with your group, but
contact info is not necessarily one of those.
> Basically, to close a group you need to ask to do it, after
> you've advertised your intentions and got consensus among other admins.
> The process is described on
> They may have made things easier than in the past but I don't think
> this is relevant for our discussion. Allow me to rephrase what I said
> before:
>> Of course it's your choice to use it or not but I'm not
>> comfortable advocating for it as a solution
> What I meant to say is that I'm in favor of each team picking its own
> preferred tool to keep the local community engaged, informed and
> ultimately happy. I'll keep myself neutral for the tools of choice of
> the local communities. I can provide suggestions, only if asked but the
> choice should always be done by the local coordinators.
> Hasaim:
>>> Shouldn't the requirements be considered prior to selecting a portal?
> Yes, indeed. Lets go back to the beginning, below is the list of
> requirements I identified. Is this all we need?
> Basic needs
> • A directory of OpenStack user groups (OSUG) that is more flexible
> and appealing than a wiki page.
> • A system to get in touch with members (all members or just the
> coordinators/leaders?) of the international communities.
> Features
> • Register users using SSO
> ∘ as a user I would like to be able to associate my profile from
> Launchpad, Linkedin or Google to the site
> • Support content in multiple languages (switch list and automatic
> recognition via browser agent configuration)
> • Support roles: managers of the groups can add resources, members can
> sign up as members, anonymous can read all content
> • Show activity from all groups in my own language on the portal home
> page
> • Directory of OSUGroups, with geographic representation
> ∘ be able to view the groups on a chart
> ∘ display also the full list of groups
> • Manage content (pages) of generic interest
> ∘ to host content like how to start a group, general, policies,
> trademark stuff, generic icons, etc
> • Per each group,
> ∘ allow users to add events, each group will expose its ical feed
> ∘ show to list additional resources for the group: mailing lists,
> forums, wiki pages, home page, url of blogs,
> ∘ import RSS feed from blogs to aggregate content on groups page
> ∘ display photostreams from flickr and such on the home page
> does provide some additional capabilities, useful for
actually planning events themselves:
* RSVP to events. Very useful for head count / Tshirts and other
miscellaneous per-head items.
* Per event announcement - rather than spam all the UG members, you
can provide per-event announcements just to the positive RSVP's
* Export of various items into convenient formats (i.e. CSV). It's
useful e.g. for dealing with venues which require a priory list
attendees' full name
* Reaching out to ""adjacent"" technological interest UG's (meetup)
- there's quite a lot of activity in high tech arena that is Openstack
Adjacent - Cloud UG's, Google Tech, Web 2.0 etc. Meetup ""promotes""
groups to folks who share interests. Think SEO for the physical world
That said, some other items beyond meetup that could also help:
* sharing & curating capabilities - video, photos and slidedecks.
You've got your YouTube and G+ Hangouts and slideshare... but curating
past events and organizing info into consumable (and locatable)
Lastly, about SSO and user identities. I see UG as having a dual role
- preach to the choir and getting new converts - or.... have a forum
for existing Openstack community members (developers, deployers and
users) to interact in person, but also promote openstack to the
uninitiated. An SSO system that will add a potential barrier for folks
who are (not that I understand why in this day and age) reluctant to
sign up providing any personal details (e.g. email address).
Potentially, that's one benefit for meetup - it allows folks to decide
what details to ""expose"" about themselves to the UG organizers and
fellow members, and utilize a singup that they already have for other
purposes. Members of the BOSUG are split between being members of
just 1 group, or quite a few.
(Sorry, didn't intent to require a TLDR... )
> --
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Follow ups
Beyond the wiki page: planning an International Community Portal
From: Stefano Maffulli, 2012-05-09
Re: Beyond the wiki page: planning an International Community Portal
From: Haisam Ido, 2012-05-10
Re: Beyond the wiki page: planning an International Community Portal
From: Stefano Maffulli, 2012-05-10
Re: Beyond the wiki page: planning an International Community Portal
From: Atul Jha, 2012-05-10
Re: Beyond the wiki page: planning an International Community Portal
From: Tim Bell, 2012-05-11
Re: Beyond the wiki page: planning an International Community Portal
From: Haisam Ido, 2012-05-11
Re: Beyond the wiki page: planning an International Community Portal
From: Everett Toews, 2012-05-11
Re: Beyond the wiki page: planning an International Community Portal
From: Stefano Maffulli, 2012-05-11
Re: Beyond the wiki page: planning an International Community Portal
From: Haisam Ido, 2012-05-11
Re: Beyond the wiki page: planning an International Community Portal
From: Doug Hellmann, 2012-05-11
Re: Beyond the wiki page: planning an International Community Portal
From: Stefano Maffulli, 2012-05-11