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Re: [CHEF] Aligning Cookbook Efforts


On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 3:21 PM, Jay Pipes <jaypipes@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> cc'ing Maru since his particular cookbook is being discussed here :
> On 02/28/2012 02:56 PM, andi abes wrote:
>> yes and no....
>> One neat feature of chef is it's search capability - being able to
>> query the sever of where other pieces of the puzzle are located, which
>> makes it very convenient for multi-node operations.
>> E.g. for swift there are a few cookbooks floating around where by the
>> rings are constructed by locating all the servers that are tagged as
>> "storage" nodes (i.e. they have the appropriate role(s) assigned to
>> them.
>> While "search" is a neat capability, it does make the recipes more
>> complex (recipes are part of cookbooks, that express the operations to
>> be performed). So if the intent is to have the cookbooks serve as an
>> newbie exemplar, showcasing openstack - its probably not a good idea.
>> Other complexities arise when you start dealing with machine variably,
>> that can be easily hidden in SAIO. Using swift as an example - the #
>> and device names of disks. In SAIO, you just create a bunch of
>> loopback devices... (at least the sample deployment docs do). On a
>> more (dare I say) "production" environment, you'd want to discover
>> what disks are available, and use the appropriate ones.
>> That said - there could be recipes for both SIAO and multi-node. Users
>> would then have to combine and apply the right set. But maybe that's
>> not the full question... maybe a more ""complete"" question would be:
>> is this effort geared towards producing deployments that can be
>> considered "production ready"?
> I believe most people would answer "Yes". The openstack-chef upstream
> cookbooks should be geared towards production environments.
> I was just asking if there is the ability to have both production-ready
> recipes and "try this out" recipes all in the same repo. Sounds like that's
> not really a good thing, and if not, we should decide where the appropriate
> place to put "try this out" recipes should be?

Didn't mean to say that's not a good idea.. (the try-it part), or not
possible. My main goal was just to double check that indeed a
production deployment is envisioned.
A simple option to ease any possible confusion between the different
recipes could be to have separate cookbooks- e.g. swift and swfit-saio
or maybe openstack and openstack-saio.

However, the mention of "production"  raises a few other questions
(again.. I think I'm just echoing) - specifically what's the source of
the OpenStack bits to be used...

Follow ups
