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Re: NAT Traversal Set of rules implementation


On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 5:40 PM Max Mertens <max.mail@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Vicente,
> thanks for your replies.

You're welcome!

> On 08/11/2015 08:09 AM, Vicente Gonzalez wrote:
> Currently I noticed that in some rare cases the TCP socket of the peer
>>> receives 0 bytes from the splitter, which indicates a closed socket. Let's
>>> see if this persists and if a reason can be found.
>> Please, remind me for what are you using this socket ...
>> This is just the TCP connection between peer and splitter, during sending
>> the IDs of the existing peers to the arriving peer (in
>> disconnect_from_the_splitter()). It occurs in about 5% of the test runs
>> and leads to connection failure.
> In your code ..., ¿where is this function declared?
> It is declared in peer_nts.py, line 130 [1]
> <https://github.com/jellysheep/p2psp/blob/adc3867cda688a30878a4f47119f0775d48678fb/src/peer_nts.py#L130>.
> It is the line where the peer waits to be incorporated by the splitter.
> Now I found out the problem only occurs if the peer cannot be incorporated
> into the team: The splitter disconnects from an arriving peer after a
> timeout during which the splitter did not receive UDP packets from both the
> peer and the monitor. So in these cases too many UDP packets dropped.
> This only happened when the configured packet loss was above 10%, so this
> behaviour is to be expected and shows that the timeout at the splitter
> works.


> The last few days I adapted the Peer_NTS class to connect to several ports
>> (probable source ports of the other peer), i.e. the incorporated peers send
>> to a number of consecutive ports at the arriving peer behind a SYMSP NAT
>> (sequential source port allocation).
>> Currently I am developing an algorithm to find the most probable source
>> ports to try. For example, if a port difference of 10 between the port to
>> the splitter and to the monitor is determined, then the actual port step
>> could be one of {1,2,5,10}. So until now the 3rd existing peer would try
>> the ports source_port_to_splitter+{3,4,...,15}, and with the new
>> algorithm the ports
>> source_port_to_splitter+{3,4,5,6,7,8,10,12,15,20,30,40} are tried.
> Why do you expect that with the new algorithm the performance will be
> better?
> There are a few things to consider when predicting source ports:
> 1. The port step cannot be determined reliably (as stated above). If the
> splitter measures a port step of 10, it could actually be one of
> {1,2,5,10}. So there is a measured port step and an actual port step.
> 2. For each probable port step, a few number of "skips" should be tried,
> because some source ports are skipped if the port is already taken by
> another UDP "connection". So as the third peer is 3 port steps after the
> monitor, the ports {3,4,...}, {6,8,...}, {15,20,...}, {30,40,...} should be
> tried (in addition to source_port_to_splitter).
> 3. The number of port "skips" depends on the assumed port step: If a port
> step of 10 is measured but a port step of 1 is assumed, then there must
> have been 9 port skips between the UDP packets to the splitter and to the
> monitor. So it is very likely that there will be also many port skips
> between the packets to the peers, so many different should be tried:
> {3,4,5,6,7,8}. However if both the measured and the assumed port skip are
> 10, then there have been no port skips and it is less likely that some will
> occur between the packets to the peers, so few port skips are tried:
> {30,40}.
> So the algorithm chooses the most probable source ports, given any
> measured port step.
> In the two trivial implementations, either assuming the port step 1
> (currently implemented) or the measured port step 10, the port cannot be
> predicted correctly in many cases: If the assumed port step is 1 and the
> actual is 10, then the predicted ports will be {3,4,...,23}, while the
> actual taken port is one of {30,40,...}. If the assumed port step is 10 and
> the actual is 1, then the predicted ports will be {30,40,...,230}, while
> the actual taken port is one of {3,4,...}.

Well, your heuristic could work. Have you already implemented it?

> The case SYMSP<->SYMSP is difficult to handle in real-world scenarios, as
> for each tried destination port (probable source port of the other peer)
> another source port is created. So if another UDP connection besides the
> P2PSP software is established, the two peers are "out of step" and cannot
> connect to each other, because the source ports do not match.
> Well, this is something quite difficult to control. I suppose that for
> these cases, the incoming could try to join the team more than one time,
> with the aim of that this situation does not happen in some of the tries.
> This would be good and convenient for the user, if you do not have to
> retry connecting the peers yourself. I would like to implement it like this:
> Considering the splitter timeout noted above, the peer will have a timeout
> on its own and will retry incorporation into the team before the splitter
> quits the connection. Also if a connection to one or more peers cannot be
> established (I suppose *all* have to be working for P2PSP to work), then
> the peer will retry as well.
> When retrying incorporation, the peer sends goodbye messages to all
> connected peers and closes the UDP socket, then retries sending UDP packets
> from a new socket to the splitter and the monitor again. So the TCP
> connection to the splitter has to remain open until the arriving peer is
> connected to all existing peers (or else the peer would have to start "from
> scratch", connecting to the splitter, receiving the configuration etc.).

Well, keeping the TCP connection to the splitter could be dangerous for the
splitter if the number of incoming peers (with joining problems) is high,
but, taking into account that we have only two more weeks to finish our
work, please, implement the easiest (for you) solution.

> Regards,
> Max

> [1]
> https://github.com/jellysheep/p2psp/blob/adc3867cda688a30878a4f47119f0775d48678fb/src/peer_nts.py#L130
Vicente González Ruiz
Depto de Informática
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería
Universidad de Almería

Carretera Sacramento S/N
04120, La Cañada de San Urbano
Almería, España

e-mail: vruiz@xxxxxx
tel: +34 950 015711
fax: +34 950 015486

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