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tweaking the German translation - 1


hi all,

I spend some time on the German translation, yes again :-)

When I look at the translation page I see that a lot of the changes I've done have not been pulled into the barzaar. Is
that correct?

So firstly I made some changes to the wording - once I saw the translated bits in the software some did not sound to good
and I reckon there are still many passages to improve on.

It appears that some of the strings are still in english although I started the assistant with the language set to German.

When selecting 'connect to other computer' on the next page the IP is recognised, seen 'EN numbers' attachment. Even in the
German version the IP numbers are in English. I think they should be in German as well, is that something we have to code
or the system needs to be setup correctly?

Next translated string is when it comes to verifying the dates, see attachment 'dein VS ihr'. Feeling wise I would say that
the 'dein' which is filled in by a string should be ihr but I don't know how or where to change it.

The same happens one step later whith 'ihr VS ihre'. It should be 'ihre' and not ihr

This is only one way of establishing the connection - the German one was the client side. I will check with the German
version serving ASAP.

Another issue I came across was when connecting to another computer. When the assistant is waiting for the other side there
is still a English text bit shown. See 'no host' attachment.


PS: not sure about the attachments, let me know if they arrive!

Follow ups