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Mailing list archive
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Messages by thread
Messages sent to the sikuli-driver mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 59569 messages, page
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Re: [Question #273706]: Couldn't able to extract exact text from image
Re: [Question #273706]: Couldn't able to extract exact text from image
From: siddu, 2015-11-25
Re: [Question #273706]: Couldn't able to extract exact text from image
From: siddu, 2015-11-25
[Question #273706]: Couldn't able to extract exact text from image
From: siddu, 2015-11-04
[Question #273682]: Sikulix 1.1.0: *** Error in `java': free(): invalid next size (normal): 0x00007fd2289ba6e0 ***
From: stefano, 2015-11-03
[Bug 1512790] [NEW] SikuliX hangs after El Capitan upgrade
From: ltwimberly@xxxxxxxxx, 2015-11-03
[Bug 1512790] Re: SikuliX hangs after El Capitan upgrade
From: RaiMan, 2015-11-04
[Bug 1512790] Re: SikuliX hangs after El Capitan upgrade
From: amardeep.rishi, 2016-01-19
[Bug 1512790] Re: SikuliX hangs after El Capitan upgrade
From: midwesthawkeye, 2016-04-20
[Question #269620]: Status of bug #1512702 changed to 'Confirmed' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2015-11-03
[Bug 1512702] [NEW] SikuliX 1.1.0 doesn't work in OS X 10.11.1 (El Capitan)
From: ltwimberly@xxxxxxxxx, 2015-11-03
[Bug 1512702] Re: SikuliX 1.1.0 doesn't work in OS X 10.11.1 (El Capitan)
From: RaiMan, 2015-11-03
[Bug 1512702] Re: [1.1.0] OS X 10.11.1: Java 6 - IDE not working - use Java 7 or Java 8
From: ltwimberly@xxxxxxxxx, 2015-11-03
[Bug 1512702] Re: [1.1.0] OS X 10.11.1: Java 6 - IDE not working - use Java 7 or Java 8
From: RaiMan, 2015-11-04
[Bug 1512702] Re: [1.1.0] OS X 10.11.1: Java 6 - IDE not working - use final 1.1.0 and Java 7 or Java 8
From: amardeep.rishi, 2016-01-19
Re: [Question #273629]: how to invoke VB script from Python
From: RaiMan, 2015-11-03
[Question #273629]: how to invoke VB script from Python
From: sonali, 2015-11-03
Re: [Question #273609]: Sikuli code packed as Jar Executable?
From: RaiMan, 2015-11-03
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #273609]: Sikuli code packed as Jar Executable?
From: Michael, 2015-11-18
Re: [Question #273614]: Go to line in script
From: RaiMan, 2015-11-03
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #273614]: Go to line in script
From: Ben, 2015-11-03
Re: [Question #273614]: Go to line in script
From: RaiMan, 2015-11-03
[Question #273624]: how to integrate sikuli with appium
From: leon, 2015-11-03
[Question #273614]: Go to line in script
From: Ben, 2015-11-03
[Question #273609]: Sikuli code packed as Jar Executable?
From: Michael, 2015-11-02
Re: [Question #273601]: Sikulix 1.1 has image transformation find?
From: RaiMan, 2015-11-02
[Question #273601]: Sikulix 1.1 has image transformation find?
From: mleitao, 2015-11-02
Re: [Question #273552]: Region detects no motion
From: RaiMan, 2015-11-02
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #273552]: Region detects no motion
From: Ben, 2015-11-02
Re: [Question #273552]: Region detects no motion
From: RaiMan, 2015-11-02
Re: [Question #273552]: Region detects no motion
From: Ben, 2015-11-02
Re: [Question #273552]: Region detects no motion
From: Ben, 2015-11-02
Re: [Question #273560]: 3 to 4 elements are same
From: Srinivasan, 2015-11-02
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #273560]: 3 to 4 elements are same
From: RaiMan, 2015-11-02
Re: [Question #273560]: 3 to 4 elements are same
From: Srinivasan, 2015-11-02
Re: [Question #273560]: 3 to 4 elements are same
From: RaiMan, 2015-11-02
[Question #273560]: 3 to 4 elements are same
From: Srinivasan, 2015-11-02
[Question #273552]: Region detects no motion
From: Ben, 2015-11-01
Re: [Question #273447]: Existing .sikuli ran in unittest
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-31
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #273447]: Existing .sikuli ran in unittest
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-31
Re: [Question #273447]: Existing .sikuli ran in unittest
From: Karl, 2015-11-02
Re: [Question #273447]: Existing .sikuli ran in unittest
From: Karl, 2015-11-02
Re: [Question #273447]: Existing .sikuli ran in unittest
From: RaiMan, 2015-11-02
Re: [Question #273447]: Existing .sikuli ran in unittest
From: Karl, 2015-11-02
Re: [Question #273447]: Existing .sikuli ran in unittest
From: RaiMan, 2015-11-03
[Question #273447]: Existing .sikuli ran in unittest
From: Karl, 2015-10-30
Re: [Question #273434]: Integrating Sikuli and Robot Framework on Linux Redhat 6
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-30
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #273434]: Integrating Sikuli and Robot Framework on Linux Redhat 6
From: William G. Lewis, 2015-11-02
Re: [Question #273434]: Integrating Sikuli and Robot Framework on Linux Redhat 6
From: William G. Lewis, 2015-11-02
Re: [Question #273434]: Integrating Sikuli and Robot Framework on Linux Redhat 6
From: RaiMan, 2015-11-03
Re: [Question #273434]: Integrating Sikuli and Robot Framework on Linux Redhat 6
From: William G. Lewis, 2015-11-03
Re: [Question #273434]: Integrating Sikuli and Robot Framework on Linux Redhat 6
From: RaiMan, 2015-11-03
Re: [Question #273434]: Integrating Sikuli and Robot Framework on Linux Redhat 6
From: William G. Lewis, 2015-11-05
Re: [Question #273434]: Integrating Sikuli and Robot Framework on Linux Redhat 6
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2015-11-21
[Question #273434]: Integrating Sikuli and Robot Framework on Linux Redhat 6
From: William G. Lewis, 2015-10-30
Re: [Question #273390]: can sikuli be deploied like a hub-node mode?
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-30
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #273390]: can sikuli be deploied like a hub-node mode?
From: prowllw, 2015-10-30
Re: [Question #273390]: can sikuli be deploied like a hub-node mode?
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-30
Re: [Question #273390]: can sikuli be deploied like a hub-node mode?
From: prowllw, 2015-11-02
Re: [Question #273398]: Is these a way to obtain variable data types in IDE Sikuli
From: can, 2015-10-30
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #273398]: Is these a way to obtain variable data types in IDE Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-30
Re: [Question #273398]: Is these a way to obtain variable data types in IDE Sikuli
From: can, 2015-11-02
Re: [Question #273398]: Is these a way to obtain variable data types in IDE Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2015-11-02
Re: [Question #273398]: Is these a way to obtain variable data types in IDE Sikuli
From: can, 2015-11-10
Re: [Question #273398]: Is these a way to obtain variable data types in IDE Sikuli
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2015-11-25
[Question #273398]: Is these a way to obtain variable data types in IDE Sikuli
From: can, 2015-10-30
Re: [Question #273396]: sikuli installation problem
From: Nikhil, 2015-10-30
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #273396]: sikuli installation problem
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-30
Re: [Question #273396]: sikuli installation problem
From: Nikhil, 2015-11-02
[Question #273396]: sikuli installation problem
From: Nikhil, 2015-10-30
[Question #273390]: can sikuli be deploied like a hub-node mode?
From: prowllw, 2015-10-30
Re: [Question #273373]: Use Sikuli Downloads Outside of Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-29
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #273373]: Use Sikuli Downloads Outside of Sikuli
From: Karl, 2015-10-29
Re: [Question #263364]: Spam
From: Colin Watson, 2015-10-29
[Question #273373]: Use Sikuli Downloads Outside of Sikuli
From: Karl, 2015-10-29
Re: [Question #273351]: Ruby-sikuli setup with Mac
From: dinesh, 2015-10-29
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #273351]: Ruby-sikuli setup with Mac
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-29
Re: [Question #273351]: Ruby-sikuli setup with Mac
From: dinesh, 2015-10-29
Re: [Question #273351]: Ruby-sikuli setup with Mac
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-29
Re: [Question #273351]: Ruby-sikuli setup with Mac
From: dinesh, 2015-10-29
Re: [Question #273351]: Ruby-sikuli setup with Mac
From: dinesh, 2015-10-29
Re: [Question #273351]: Ruby-sikuli setup with Mac
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-29
[Question #273351]: Ruby-sikuli setup with Mac
From: dinesh, 2015-10-29
[Question #273350]: I am trying to read https url, getting ssl import error
From: Anand, 2015-10-29
Re: [Question #273346]: download sikuli-script.jar
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-29
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #273346]: download sikuli-script.jar
From: san, 2015-10-29
Re: [Question #273346]: download sikuli-script.jar
From: masuo, 2015-10-29
Re: [Question #273346]: download sikuli-script.jar
From: san, 2015-10-30
Re: [Question #273346]: download sikuli-script.jar
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-30
Re: [Question #273344]: Arry[index] we can use in java. How can I fetch array element by using index in sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-29
[Question #273346]: download sikuli-script.jar
From: san, 2015-10-29
[Question #273344]: Arry[index] we can use in java. How can I fetch array element by using index in sikuli
From: Shruthi, 2015-10-29
Re: [Question #273323]: 1.1.0 Random
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-29
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #273323]: 1.1.0 Random
From: Karl, 2015-11-05
Re: [Question #273323]: 1.1.0 Random
From: RaiMan, 2015-11-06
Re: [Question #273323]: 1.1.0 Random
From: RaiMan, 2015-11-06
Re: [Question #273323]: 1.1.0 Random
From: Karl, 2015-11-06
Re: [Question #273323]: 1.1.0 Random
From: RaiMan, 2015-11-07
Re: [Question #273323]: 1.1.0 Random
From: Karl, 2016-02-17
[Question #273340]: Observe region until it stops changing
From: Chen Sh, 2015-10-29
[Bug 1511117] [NEW] PNG image generated for find, exists, wait
From: cafeman1, 2015-10-28
[Bug 1511117] Re: PNG image generated for find, exists, wait
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-29
[Bug 1511117] Re: [1.1.0] PNG image generated in bundle with undotted find, exists, wait
From: cafeman1, 2015-10-29
[Bug 1511117] Re: [1.1.0] PNG image generated in bundle with undotted find, exists, wait
From: RaiMan, 2019-04-14
[Question #273329]: VNCMichaelJohnson
From: David ENJOLRAS, 2015-10-28
[Question #273328]: Alternative to multiple If Else statements
From: Jason, 2015-10-28
[Question #273326]: getlocale
From: David ENJOLRAS, 2015-10-28
[Bug 1511078] [NEW] Automatic image file names can accidentally overwrite existing images
From: Zed Zulu, 2015-10-28
[Bug 1511078] Re: Automatic image file names can accidentally overwrite existing images
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-29
[Bug 1511078] Re: [1.1.0] variable = <automatic image file name> overwrites existing images --- is by intention
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-29
[Question #273323]: 1.1.0 Random
From: Karl, 2015-10-28
Re: [Question #273267]: Can we add a parameter to find or watch to return the final images
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-28
Re: [Question #273306]: Issue on integrating sikulix with java editor - eclipse
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-28
Re: [Question #273314]: Maven dependency file for Sikuli api 1.0.2
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-28
Re: [Question #273315]: Interaction with mac-based menus
From: Ray Williams, 2015-10-28
[Question #273315]: Interaction with mac-based menus
From: Ray Williams, 2015-10-28
[Question #273314]: Maven dependency file for Sikuli api 1.0.2
From: vinothkumarm, 2015-10-28
[Question #273306]: Issue on integrating sikulix with java editor - eclipse
From: Nadimuthu, 2015-10-28
Re: [Question #273175]: How to save the screenshots into a word document
From: Smilu, 2015-10-28
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #273175]: How to save the screenshots into a word document
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2015-11-12
Re: [Question #273271]: After modifying the name of the screen capture is not used
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-28
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #273271]: After modifying the name of the screen capture is not used
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-28
Re: [Question #273271]: After modifying the name of the screen capture is not used
From: can, 2015-10-29
Re: [Question #273271]: After modifying the name of the screen capture is not used
From: can, 2015-10-29
Re: [Question #273271]: After modifying the name of the screen capture is not used
From: can, 2015-11-02
Re: [Question #273271]: After modifying the name of the screen capture is not used
From: RaiMan, 2015-11-02
Re: [Question #273271]: After modifying the name of the screen capture is not used
From: RaiMan, 2015-11-03
Re: [Question #273271]: After modifying the name of the screen capture is not used
From: can, 2015-11-10
[Question #273271]: After modifying the name of the screen capture is not used
From: can, 2015-10-28
[Question #273267]: Can we add a parameter to find or watch to return the final images
From: Tak Eda, 2015-10-27
Re: [Question #272435]: Unable to setup for eclipse
From: Ib Al, 2015-10-27
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #272435]: Unable to setup for eclipse
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2015-10-30
Re: [Question #272435]: Unable to setup for eclipse
From: Sateesh, 2015-10-30
Re: [Question #272435]: Unable to setup for eclipse
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-30
Re: [Question #272435]: Unable to setup for eclipse
From: Fahad, 2015-12-04
[Question #273191]: Integrating Sikuli and Robot Framework on Linux
From: William G. Lewis, 2015-10-27
[Question #273175]: How to save the screenshots into a word document
From: Smilu, 2015-10-27
Re: [Question #273136]: How does similarity work?
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-27
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #273136]: How does similarity work?
From: Karl, 2015-10-28
Re: [Question #273136]: How does similarity work?
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-28
Re: [Question #273136]: How does similarity work?
From: Karl, 2015-10-28
Re: [Question #273136]: How does similarity work?
From: Karl, 2016-02-17
Re: [Question #273168]: To integrade Sikuli 1.1 with HP ALM/AC
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-27
Re: [Question #273164]: [error] SyntaxError ( "no viable alternative at character '\u201c'", )
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-27
[Question #273168]: To integrade Sikuli 1.1 with HP ALM/AC
From: Smilu, 2015-10-27
[Question #273164]: [error] SyntaxError ( "no viable alternative at character '\u201c'", )
From: san, 2015-10-27
Re: [Question #273163]: Is there an equivalent special key for RETURN button(IOS Simulator)? Key.ENTER is not working
From: tanya25, 2015-10-27
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #273163]: Is there an equivalent special key for RETURN button(IOS Simulator)? Key.ENTER is not working
From: tanya25, 2015-10-27
Re: [Question #273163]: Is there an equivalent special key for RETURN button(IOS Simulator)? Key.ENTER is not working
From: tanya25, 2015-10-27
Re: [Question #273163]: Is there an equivalent special key for RETURN button(IOS Simulator)? Key.ENTER is not working
From: Karl, 2015-10-28
Re: [Question #273163]: Is there an equivalent special key for RETURN button(IOS Simulator)? Key.ENTER is not working
From: tanya25, 2015-10-29
Re: [Question #273163]: Is there an equivalent special key for RETURN button(IOS Simulator)? Key.ENTER is not working
From: Karl, 2015-10-29
Re: [Question #273163]: Is there an equivalent special key for RETURN button(IOS Simulator)? Key.ENTER is not working
From: Karl, 2015-10-29
Re: [Question #273163]: Is there an equivalent special key for RETURN button(IOS Simulator)? Key.ENTER is not working
From: Karl, 2015-10-29
Re: [Question #273163]: Is there an equivalent special key for RETURN button(IOS Simulator)? Key.ENTER is not working
From: tanya25, 2015-11-01
Re: [Question #273163]: Is there an equivalent special key for RETURN button(IOS Simulator)? Key.ENTER is not working
From: Karl, 2015-11-02
Re: [Question #273163]: Is there an equivalent special key for RETURN button(IOS Simulator)? Key.ENTER is not working
From: tanya25, 2015-11-13
Re: [Question #273163]: Is there an equivalent special key for RETURN button(IOS Simulator)? Key.ENTER is not working
From: Karl, 2015-11-13
Re: [Question #273163]: Is there an equivalent special key for RETURN button(IOS Simulator)? Key.ENTER is not working
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2015-11-28
[Question #273163]: Is there an equivalent special key for RETURN button on IOS simulator?
From: tanya25, 2015-10-27
[Question #273159]: 1.1.0 command-line installation
From: Karl, 2015-10-26
Re: [Question #273135]: A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-26
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #273135]: A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment
From: Karl, 2015-10-26
Re: [Question #273135]: A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment
From: Karl, 2015-11-09
[Question #273136]: How does similarity work?
From: Karl, 2015-10-26
[Question #273135]: A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment
From: Karl, 2015-10-26
Re: [Question #273037]: [error] script [ 1 ] stopped with error in line 1 [error] FindFailed ( can not find 1375001399359.png on the screen. )
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-25
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #273037]: [error] script [ 1 ] stopped with error in line 1 [error] FindFailed ( can not find 1375001399359.png on the screen. )
From: san, 2015-10-27
Re: [Question #273037]: [error] script [ 1 ] stopped with error in line 1 [error] FindFailed ( can not find 1375001399359.png on the screen. )
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-27
Re: [Question #273037]: [error] script [ 1 ] stopped with error in line 1 [error] FindFailed ( can not find 1375001399359.png on the screen. )
From: san, 2015-10-28
Re: [Question #273037]: [error] script [ 1 ] stopped with error in line 1 [error] FindFailed ( can not find 1375001399359.png on the screen. )
From: san, 2015-10-28
Re: [Question #273037]: [error] script [ 1 ] stopped with error in line 1 [error] FindFailed ( can not find 1375001399359.png on the screen. )
From: san, 2015-10-28
Re: [Question #273037]: [error] script [ 1 ] stopped with error in line 1 [error] FindFailed ( can not find 1375001399359.png on the screen. )
From: masuo, 2015-10-28
Re: [Question #273037]: [error] script [ 1 ] stopped with error in line 1 [error] FindFailed ( can not find 1375001399359.png on the screen. )
From: san, 2015-10-28
Re: [Question #273037]: [error] script [ 1 ] stopped with error in line 1 [error] FindFailed ( can not find 1375001399359.png on the screen. )
From: masuo, 2015-10-29
Re: [Question #273037]: [error] script [ 1 ] stopped with error in line 1 [error] FindFailed ( can not find 1375001399359.png on the screen. )
From: san, 2015-10-30
Re: [Question #273037]: [error] script [ 1 ] stopped with error in line 1 [error] FindFailed ( can not find 1375001399359.png on the screen. )
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-30
Re: [Question #273037]: [error] script [ 1 ] stopped with error in line 1 [error] FindFailed ( can not find 1375001399359.png on the screen. )
From: san, 2015-10-30
Re: [Question #273037]: [error] script [ 1 ] stopped with error in line 1 [error] FindFailed ( can not find 1375001399359.png on the screen. )
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-30
Re: [Question #273037]: [error] script [ 1 ] stopped with error in line 1 [error] FindFailed ( can not find 1375001399359.png on the screen. )
From: laxmi, 2017-08-26
[Question #273037]: [error] script [ 1 ] stopped with error in line 1 [error] FindFailed ( can not find 1375001399359.png on the screen. )
From: san, 2015-10-25
Re: [Question #273030]: Return Variable from imported script
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-25
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #273030]: Return Variable from imported script
From: Jeff_Vallis, 2015-10-25
Re: [Question #273012]: SikuliX - ifexist - else - problem
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-25
[Question #273030]: Return Variable from imported script
From: Jeff_Vallis, 2015-10-25
[Question #273012]: SikuliX - ifexist - else - problem
From: Mikeee, 2015-10-24
Re: [Question #272961]: spam
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-24
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #272961]: spam
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-24
[Question #272961]: QuickBooks proadvisor phone number, (1-855-276-2781)// QuickBooks proadvisor customer care number..... QuickBooks proadvisor Toll Free, Intuit@(1-855.276-2781)@-: QuickBooks proadvisor Technical Support Number, QuickBooks proadvisor help desk phone nu
From: Meethimia, 2015-10-24
Re: [Question #272929]: observe an event in background
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-24
[Question #272929]: observe an event in background
From: deva, 2015-10-24
Re: [Question #272926]: How to run .skl under sikuli 1.1.0
From: can, 2015-10-24
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #272926]: How to run .skl under sikuli 1.1.0
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-24
Re: [Question #272926]: How to run .skl under sikuli 1.1.0
From: can, 2015-11-10
[Question #272926]: How to run .skl under sikuli 1.1.0
From: can, 2015-10-24
Re: [Question #272778]: Can list be an additional element?
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-23
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #272778]: Can list be an additional element?
From: can, 2015-10-24
[Question #272778]: Can list be an additional element?
From: can, 2015-10-23
Re: [Question #272770]: Write () function not working
From: RaiMan, 2015-10-23
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #272770]: Write () function not working
From: can, 2015-10-23
Re: [Question #272770]: Write () function not working
From: can, 2015-10-23
200 of 59569 messages, page
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