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Messages sent to the sikuli-driver mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 59569 messages, page
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Re: [Question #281182]: Null pointer exception using Sikuli in Java
Re: [Question #281182]: Null pointer exception using Sikuli in Java
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-22
Re: [Question #281182]: Null pointer exception using Sikuli in Java
From: Borja Miñano, 2016-01-22
Re: [Question #281182]: Null pointer exception using Sikuli in Java
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-22
Re: [Question #281182]: Null pointer exception using Sikuli in Java
From: Borja Miñano, 2016-01-22
Re: [Question #281182]: Null pointer exception using Sikuli in Java
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-22
Re: [Question #281182]: Null pointer exception using Sikuli in Java
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-22
[Question #281192]: Cannot start app ONLY when running the tests with maven
From: vicus, 2016-01-19
Re: [Question #280972]: Spacing issue when using .text() feature
From: Katy, 2016-01-19
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #280972]: Spacing issue when using .text() feature
From: TooFanHasArrived, 2016-01-19
Re: [Question #280972]: Spacing issue when using .text() feature
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-22
Re: [Question #281180]: click(exists()) always return True
From: Katy, 2016-01-19
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #281180]: click(exists()) always return True
From: Evgen, 2016-01-19
Re: [Question #281180]: click(exists()) always return True
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-21
Re: [Question #281180]: click(exists()) always return True
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-21
Re: [Question #281181]: SikuliX editor lost indenting and deleting pictures on save
From: ceyhunganioglu, 2016-01-19
[Question #281182]: Null pointer exception using Sikuli in Java
From: Borja Miñano, 2016-01-19
[Question #281181]: SikuliX editor lost indenting and deleting pictures on save
From: ceyhunganioglu, 2016-01-19
[Question #281180]: click(exists()) always return True
From: Evgen, 2016-01-19
Re: [Question #281131]: Sikuli image processing
From: Marc W, 2016-01-19
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #281131]: Sikuli image processing
From: Evgen, 2016-01-20
Re: [Question #281176]: Confusion between two images
From: Marc W, 2016-01-19
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #281176]: Confusion between two images
From: Ayush Sharma, 2016-01-19
Re: [Question #281176]: Confusion between two images
From: Katy, 2016-01-19
Re: [Question #281176]: Confusion between two images
From: masuo, 2016-01-20
Re: [Question #281176]: Confusion between two images
From: masuo, 2016-01-20
Re: [Question #281176]: Confusion between two images
From: Ayush Sharma, 2016-01-21
Re: [Question #281176]: Confusion between two images
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-21
[Question #281176]: Confusion between two images
From: Ayush Sharma, 2016-01-19
[Question #281172]: Unable to add contents in reports in sikuli
From: Chandrima, 2016-01-19
[Question #281171]: Sikuli + Selenium
From: romit, 2016-01-19
Re: [Question #280524]: how to add traineddata file in sikuli
From: Srujan, 2016-01-19
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #280524]: how to add traineddata file in sikuli
From: Srujan, 2016-01-19
Re: [Question #280524]: how to add traineddata file in sikuli
From: Srujan, 2016-01-19
Re: [Question #280524]: how to add traineddata file in sikuli
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2016-01-21
[Question #281167]: How to get the equivalent special key of RETUN button in IOS Simulator(XCODE)?
From: tanya25, 2016-01-19
Re: [Question #281134]: openApp failed file not found
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-18
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #281134]: openApp failed file not found
From: hakim johari, 2016-01-18
Re: [Question #281134]: openApp failed file not found
From: hakim johari, 2016-01-18
Re: [Question #281134]: openApp failed file not found
From: masuo, 2016-01-20
[Question #281134]: openApp failed file not found
From: hakim johari, 2016-01-18
[Question #281131]: Sikuli image processing
From: Joe Hill, 2016-01-18
[Question #281122]: Screen.wait() memory leak
From: Marc W, 2016-01-18
[Question #281117]: sikuliAction.doubleclick is giving error
From: Madhavi, 2016-01-18
Re: [Question #280855]: There are two buttons that are exactly the same, one is gray but one is yellow. I want it to chose the yellow and not the gray.
From: TheGambler, 2016-01-16
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #280855]: There are two buttons that are exactly the same, one is gray but one is yellow. I want it to chose the yellow and not the gray.
From: Spencer, 2016-01-19
[Bug 1534849] [NEW] IDE Copy and Paste Failed with In the Same Project
From: Chathura, 2016-01-15
[Bug 1534849] Re: IDE Copy and Paste Failed with In the Same Project
From: RaiMan, 2021-02-09
Re: [Question #221802]: capture(): saved file is not persistent (deleted when Java process stops)
From: Chathura, 2016-01-15
Re: [Question #280888]: unable to run jar file with sikuli from command prompt
From: Chathura, 2016-01-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #280888]: unable to run jar file with sikuli from command prompt
From: shadab, 2016-01-16
[Bug 1534758] [NEW] [request] Ability to create a standalone Sikulix Similar to Using bbfreeze for Python .exe
From: Chathura, 2016-01-15
[Bug 1534758] Re: [request] Ability to create a standalone Sikulix Similar to Using bbfreeze for Python .exe
From: RaiMan, 2021-02-09
[Question #281015]: How to preserve all information of an error when using an error handles
From: Ignasi Bernadas, 2016-01-15
[Bug 1534424] [NEW] IDE Deleting Used Pattern Image Files
From: Chathura, 2016-01-15
[Bug 1534424] Re: IDE Deleting Used Pattern Image Files
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-15
[Bug 1534424] Re: IDE Deleting Used Pattern Image Files
From: Chathura, 2016-01-15
[Bug 1534424] Re: IDE Deleting Used Pattern Image Files
From: Juanma, 2017-05-04
[Bug 1534424] Re: IDE Deleting Used Pattern Image Files
From: RaiMan, 2017-05-04
[Question #280972]: Spacing issue when using .text() feature
From: TooFanHasArrived, 2016-01-14
Re: [Question #280908]: exists returns true even if the image doesnt exist
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-14
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #280908]: exists returns true even if the image doesnt exist
From: albertsag, 2016-01-14
Re: [Question #280949]: Recognizing bad returns from Region.text()
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-14
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #280949]: Recognizing bad returns from Region.text()
From: KenK, 2016-01-19
Re: [Question #280961]: How to create a master script for different scenarios
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-14
[Question #280961]: How to create a master script for different scenarios
From: ceyhunganioglu, 2016-01-14
[Question #280949]: Recognizing bad returns from Region.text()
From: KenK, 2016-01-13
Re: [Question #280883]: How can I disable error logs in sikuli?
From: masuo, 2016-01-13
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #280883]: How can I disable error logs in sikuli?
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-14
Re: [Question #280883]: How can I disable error logs in sikuli?
From: Ignasi Bernadas, 2016-01-14
Re: [Question #280883]: How can I disable error logs in sikuli?
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-14
Re: [Question #280883]: How can I disable error logs in sikuli?
From: Ignasi Bernadas, 2016-01-14
Re: [Question #280883]: How can I disable error logs in sikuli?
From: Ignasi Bernadas, 2016-01-14
[Question #280915]: Status of bug #1529457 changed to 'In Progress' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-13
Re: [Question #280915]: Auto generated images names causes a problem
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-13
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #280915]: Auto generated images names causes a problem
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-13
Re: [Question #280903]: [1.1.0] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot create PyString with non-byte value
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-13
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #280903]: [1.1.0] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot create PyString with non-byte value
From: Karl, 2016-01-13
Re: [Question #280903]: [1.1.0] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot create PyString with non-byte value
From: Karl, 2016-01-13
Re: [Question #280903]: [1.1.0] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot create PyString with non-byte value
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-14
Re: [Question #280903]: [1.1.0] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot create PyString with non-byte value
From: Karl, 2016-01-14
[Question #280915]: Auto generated images names causes a problem
From: dinev, 2016-01-13
[Bug 1533493] [NEW] suggest
From: xiong, 2016-01-13
[Bug 1533493] Re: suggest
From: RaiMan, 2021-02-09
[Bug 1533494] [NEW] suggest
From: xiong, 2016-01-13
[Bug 1533494] Re: [request] want system appropriate installer for setup
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-14
[Bug 1533494] Re: [request] want system appropriate installer for setup
From: RaiMan, 2019-11-18
[Question #280908]: exists returns true even if the image doesnt exist
From: albert.sagolsem@xxxxxxxxx, 2016-01-13
[Question #280903]: [1.1.0] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot create PyString with non-byte value
From: Karl, 2016-01-12
[Question #280888]: unable to run jar file with sikuli from command prompt
From: shadab, 2016-01-12
[Question #280883]: How can I disable error logs in sikuli?
From: Ignasi Bernadas, 2016-01-12
[Bug 1533134] [NEW] [1.1.0] comand line quoted parameters: single quotes should work too
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-12
[Bug 1533134] Re: [1.1.0] comand line quoted parameters: single quotes should work too
From: RaiMan, 2021-02-09
[Question #280672]: Status of bug #1533134 changed to 'Fix Committed' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-12
[Question #280855]: There are two buttons that are exactly the same, one is gray but one is yellow. I want it to chose the yellow and not the gray.
From: Spencer, 2016-01-11
[Bug 1532898] [NEW] [request] Find(img) and DragDrop the Screen to Middle
From: Chathura, 2016-01-11
[Bug 1532898] Re: [request] Find(img) and DragDrop the Screen to Middle
From: RaiMan, 2021-02-09
[Bug 1532888] [NEW] Match Sensitivity Drops with Longer the Application is Runner
From: Chathura, 2016-01-11
[Bug 1532888] Re: Match Sensitivity Drops with Longer the Application is Running
From: Chathura, 2016-01-11
[Bug 1532888] Re: Match Sensitivity Drops with Longer the Application is Running
From: Chathura, 2016-01-15
[Bug 1532888] Re: Match Sensitivity Drops with Longer the Application is Running
From: RaiMan, 2021-02-09
[Bug 1532730] [NEW] [1.1.0] IDE: image files are deleted when saving script with existing name (overwrite)
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-11
[Bug 1532730] Re: [1.1.0] IDE: image files are deleted when saving script with existing name (overwrite)
From: Rob QA Bluebeam, 2016-02-24
[Bug 1532730] Re: [1.1.0] IDE: image files are deleted when saving script with existing same name (using Save As)
From: RaiMan, 2016-02-25
[Bug 1532730] Re: [1.1.0] IDE: image files are deleted when saving script with existing same name (using Save As)
From: Rob QA Bluebeam, 2016-02-25
[Question #280746]: Status of bug #1532730 changed to 'In Progress' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-11
Re: [Question #280746]: image files are deleted when saving script with existing name (overwrite)
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-11
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #280746]: image files are deleted when saving script with existing name (overwrite)
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-11
Re: [Question #280746]: image files are deleted when saving script with existing name (overwrite)
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-11
Re: [Question #280746]: image files are deleted when saving script with existing name (overwrite)
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-11
Re: [Question #280826]: Sikulix installation problem using command line
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-11
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #280826]: Sikulix installation problem using command line
From: romit, 2016-01-12
Re: [Question #280826]: Sikulix installation problem using command line
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2016-01-27
[Bug 1532709] [NEW] [1.1.0] Java: NPE, when running jar on other system having sikulixapi.jar packed with the jar
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-11
[Question #280827]: Status of bug #1532709 changed to 'In Progress' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-11
Re: [Question #280827]: Java: NPE, when running jar on other system having sikulixapi.jar packed with the jar
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-11
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #280827]: Java: NPE, when running jar on other system having sikulixapi.jar packed with the jar
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-11
Re: [Question #280827]: Java: NPE, when running jar on other system having sikulixapi.jar packed with the jar
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-11
Re: [Question #280827]: Java: NPE, when running jar on other system having sikulixapi.jar packed with the jar
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-11
Re: [Question #280827]: Java: NPE, when running jar on other system having sikulixapi.jar packed with the jar
From: shadab, 2016-01-11
Re: [Question #280827]: Java: NPE, when running jar on other system having sikulixapi.jar packed with the jar
From: shadab, 2016-01-11
Re: [Question #280827]: Java: NPE, when running jar on other system, when sikulixapi.jar is packed with the jar
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-11
[Question #280827]: :Exception in thread "main" java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException...Caused by : java.lang.Null pointer Exception
From: shadab, 2016-01-11
[Question #280826]: Sikulix installation problem using command line
From: romit, 2016-01-11
[Bug 1532617] [NEW] [request] IDE: font sizes of menus, commands and messages should be changeable too (4K screens)
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-10
[Question #280792]: Status of bug #1532617 changed to 'In Progress' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-10
Re: [Question #280801]: How to click on a button with dynamic text as value
From: masuo, 2016-01-10
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #280801]: How to click on a button with dynamic text as value
From: libin, 2016-01-10
Re: [Question #280801]: How to click on a button with dynamic text as value
From: masuo, 2016-01-11
[Bug 1532541] [NEW] [1.1.0] Possible memory leak with Region objects in long running Jython scripts
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-10
[Bug 1532541] Re: [1.1.0] Possible memory leak with Region objects in long running Jython scripts
From: Jasper, 2016-01-13
[Bug 1532541] Re: [1.1.0] Possible memory leak with Region objects in long running Jython scripts
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-13
[Bug 1532541] Re: [1.1.0] Possible memory leak with Region objects in long running Jython scripts
From: Glenn Tanner, 2020-01-10
[Bug 1532541] Re: [1.1.0] Possible memory leak with Region objects in long running Jython scripts
From: RaiMan, 2020-01-12
[Bug 1532541] Re: [2.0.x] Possible memory leak with Region objects in long running Jython scripts
From: RaiMan, 2020-03-06
[Question #280747]: Status of bug #1532541 changed to 'In Progress' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-10
Re: [Question #280792]: Sikuli on 4K screens
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-09
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #280792]: Sikuli on 4K screens
From: stephane, 2016-01-10
Re: [Question #280792]: Sikuli on 4K screens
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-10
Re: [Question #280792]: Sikuli on 4K screens
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-10
[Question #280801]: How to click on a button with dynamic text as value
From: libin, 2016-01-09
[Question #280792]: Sikuli on 4K screens
From: stephane, 2016-01-09
Re: [Question #280055]: How to make multiple consecutive loops withing else statement
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2016-01-09
Re: [Question #280774]: Observe doesn't work
From: Nidere, 2016-01-08
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #280774]: Observe doesn't work
From: masuo, 2016-01-09
Re: [Question #280774]: Observe doesn't work
From: Nidere, 2016-01-09
Re: [Question #280774]: Observe doesn't work
From: Nidere, 2016-01-09
Re: [Question #280774]: Observe doesn't work
From: masuo, 2016-01-09
Re: [Question #280774]: Observe doesn't work
From: Nidere, 2016-01-09
Re: [Question #280774]: Observe doesn't work
From: Nidere, 2016-01-09
Re: [Question #280774]: Observe doesn't work
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-09
Re: [Question #280774]: Observe doesn't work
From: Nidere, 2016-01-09
Re: [Question #280774]: Observe doesn't work
From: Nidere, 2016-01-09
Re: [Question #280758]: Need help in Scheduling the job using SikuliX
From: Pavan, 2016-01-08
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #280758]: Need help in Scheduling the job using SikuliX
From: Katy, 2016-01-20
[Question #280758]: Need help in Scheduling the job using SikuliX
From: Pavan, 2016-01-08
Re: [Question #280747]: Sikulix Region not working
From: Jasper, 2016-01-08
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #280747]: Sikulix Region not working
From: Jasper, 2016-01-08
Re: [Question #280747]: Sikulix Region not working
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-08
Re: [Question #280747]: Sikulix Region not working
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-08
Re: [Question #280747]: Sikulix Region not working
From: Jasper, 2016-01-08
Re: [Question #280747]: Sikulix Region not working
From: Jasper, 2016-01-08
Re: [Question #280747]: Sikulix Region not working
From: Jasper, 2016-01-08
Re: [Question #280747]: Sikulix Region not working
From: Jasper, 2016-01-08
Re: [Question #280747]: Sikulix Region not working
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-09
Re: [Question #280747]: Sikulix Region not working
From: Jasper, 2016-01-09
Re: [Question #280747]: Sikulix Region not working
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-09
Re: [Question #280747]: Sikulix Region not working
From: Jasper, 2016-01-09
Re: [Question #280747]: Sikulix Region not working
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-09
Re: [Question #280747]: Sikulix Region not working
From: Jasper, 2016-01-10
Re: [Question #280747]: Sikulix Region not working
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-10
Re: [Question #280747]: Sikulix Region not working
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-10
Re: [Question #280747]: Sikulix Region not working
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-10
Re: [Question #280747]: Sikulix Region not working
From: Jasper, 2016-01-10
Re: [Question #280746]: image file is deleted when saving script by existing name.
From: masuo, 2016-01-08
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #280746]: image file is deleted when saving script by existing name.
From: masuo, 2016-01-10
[Question #280746]: image file is deleted when saving script by existing name.
From: masuo, 2016-01-08
[Bug 1532134] [NEW] [1.1.0] Multiple ImagePaths for Jar not working
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-08
[Question #280740]: Status of bug #1532134 changed to 'Opinion' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-08
[Question #280740]: Status of bug #1532134 changed to 'In Progress' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-08
Re: [Question #279993]: saved script shows different image ids.
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2016-01-08
Re: [Question #280740]: Multiple ImagePaths for Jar
From: Revarye, 2016-01-08
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #280740]: Multiple ImagePaths for Jar
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-08
Re: [Question #280740]: Multiple ImagePaths for Jar
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-08
Re: [Question #280740]: Multiple ImagePaths for Jar
From: Revarye, 2016-01-08
[Question #280740]: Multiple ImagePaths for Jar
From: Revarye, 2016-01-08
Re: [Question #280731]: How to search for a text in region and click on the text
From: Michael, 2016-01-08
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #280731]: How to search for a text in region and click on the text
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-08
[Question #280731]: How to search for a text in region and click on the text
From: Michael, 2016-01-07
Re: [Question #280712]: Sikuli Exact Image Match Failure
From: dinesh, 2016-01-07
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #280712]: Sikuli Exact Image Match Failure
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-07
Re: [Question #280712]: Sikuli Exact Image Match Failure
From: dinesh, 2016-01-08
Re: [Question #280712]: Sikuli Exact Image Match Failure
From: dinesh, 2016-01-08
Re: [Question #280712]: Sikuli Exact Image Match Failure
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-08
Re: [Question #280712]: Sikuli Exact Image Match Failure
From: Thom Bowden, 2016-01-08
[Question #280712]: Sikuli Exact Image Match Failure
From: dinesh, 2016-01-07
Re: [Question #280703]: How to get tooltip text inside image
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-07
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #280703]: How to get tooltip text inside image
From: sindhu, 2016-01-07
Re: [Question #280703]: How to get tooltip text inside image
From: RaiMan, 2016-01-07
Re: [Question #280703]: How to get tooltip text inside image
From: sindhu, 2016-01-08
Re: [Question #280703]: How to get tooltip text inside image
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2016-01-24
200 of 59569 messages, page
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