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Re: gtk3 as default?!


Hi everyone,

So I think it would be a really good idea to go for gtk3 in oneiric:
- it allows us to focus on one ui rather than having to work on gtk2 as well
(also avoids all that gobject vs GObject stuff of the last few days)
- there were many changes between gtk2 and gtk3 and gtk3.1 which generally
took quite a while to figure out how to do things the new way - as time has
gone on generally more and more things have started working, and once you
have figured out how they worked, they work solidly until the api changes
again - so it should be quite safe for oneiric
- the fixes we have been making recently have generally been smaller fixes
rather than larger fixes - in the sense of some of them have been fixing
larger things, but it's not as if we have been rewriting large chunks of
code to fix bugs
- it's new and sparkly and shiny :)

Things to keep in mind are amongst others:
- a11y will presumably need fixing
- rtl seems to work fairly nicely, could probably use a check every now and
- custom lists need reimplementing (again.. ;))
- although s-c-gtk3 has been in the archives for a while, we haven't been
getting any apport bugs for it - in general the apport bugs are smallish
fixes, so that should be ok though, but presumably there will be quite a few
of them
- performance isn't stunning (ie loading and switching panes)- having said
that, it isn't significantly slow either, so that's something we can work on
next cycle with a lot of help from the new db backend (if I manage to finish
it nicely)
- I'm not sure what the plan is for oneconf atm - there is an interface
implemented against s-c-gtk2, but that hasn't had any testing as there isn't
a server yet (afaik?), so I'm not sure whether that's something that needs
to be rewritten for gtk3 or if that's a 'next cycle' thing, again :/
- I'm not sure what the status is of the exhibits is either, so that may
still need a bit of work
- details view needs theming, and it would be nice to make the theming of
the lobby vs lists vs details slightly more consistent, ie atm it's kind of
orange semi-busy vs white minimalistic vs greyscale

So although there is still a lot to do for the gtk3 interface, I think we
will be able to solve the vast majority of the remaining issues within the
next month and look forward to changing to the gtk3 interface and
discontinuing the gtk2 one.


Follow ups
