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Re: Nvidia/Intel switching and energy saving


On Di, 16 Jun 2009, Mario wrote:
> I'm not sure to understand the use of this new module: does it just
> switch off the nvidia card? In this case, I don't understand the
> difference with the old module (when used without parameters it disables
> the nvidia card).

Yes, but if I want dynamic switching using the stamina-speed hardware
switch I need to load the module with speed_stamina=3.

Well, a different solution would be to:
- blacklist the sony-laptop module
- load it only on demand in /etc/init.d/switch-graphics with
  speed-stamina=1|2 depending on the value of the hardware switch

> I guess it switches off the nvidia card only if the hardware button is
> switched in stamina mode. Is it correct?

No idea.

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining@xxxxxxxx>        Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <preining@xxxxxxxxxx>                         Debian TeX Group
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The centrepiece of a merry-go-round on which the man with the tickets
stands unnervingly still.
			--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff

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