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Re: Web sync branch hurdles


On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 5:08 PM, Sandy Armstrong
<sanfordarmstrong@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Awesome!  I just pulled your changes and they are working fine on
> Android 1.6.  Some things I noticed:
> * I have to manually change the 1.0a pref to true.  But I'm pretty
> sure that there's no harm in treating Snowy or other OAuth 1.0 servers
> identically to an OAuth 1.0a server, as long as you don't freak out
> when oauth_verifier isn't returned (does signpost freak out in that
> situation?).  It would suck to have users have to pick OAuth
> versions...maybe we should just bite the bullet and add 1.0a support
> to django-piston for snowy so that Tomdroid can safely assume 1.0a
> (this is assuming signpost really can't handle 1.0a mode on a 1.0
> server).

Strange, the signpost documentation states that it is possible to know
which protocol version is used by the server after the request token

The pref should be automagically populated after the said handshake,
I'm not sure what goes wrong here as it works fine for me.

> * Should probably rename "Snowy" in the UI to "Tomboy Web" (that's the
> string we use in Tomboy, and in general it's how we refer to
> "something that implements the Tomboy Web REST API").  After all,
> U1/Midgard/etc != Snowy.


> * Syncing notes was super slow and I had no idea it was working.  I
> assumed it had failed because I was still able to press the "Sync"
> button.  This can be broken down into a few problems:
>  1. No indication that sync is in progress
>  2. Long delay before I even see first note sync'd in the log
>  3. Each note takes almost a second to sync
>  4. Can still press Sync button (no idea if this means multiple sync
> operations are running)
> These are all totally fixable, though.

Yes, yes, yes and yes. The fastest way to fix these would be to have
some sort of modal progress dialog. While this may not be the best
solution (usability-wise), it is the easiest to implement and is far
better than the current interface.

> * The Tomdroid UI seems slow in general, but I haven't deployed it to
> my G1 yet so I can't really quantify that.  Also, for all I know there
> is another sync job going on in the background from pressing the
> button too many times. :-P
> Anyway, great progress...it was really exciting to see my notes.  What
> issues are blocking a new release with these features?

A lack of time from Olivier and myself? Though it's true we could cut
some corners as the audience for such a release is mostly technical,
Tomdroid won't be on the Market tomorrow...


Follow ups
