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Message #01457
Re: ToriOS ISO considerations
On 02/04/2018 09:45 AM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
> Den 2018-02-03 kl. 00:48, skrev Israel:
>> On 01/30/2018 12:23 PM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
>>> Den 2018-01-30 kl. 19:15, skrev Israel:
>>>> On 01/30/2018 02:55 AM, psutton wrote:
>>>>> On 27/01/18 13:07, Nio Wiklund wrote:
>>>>>> Den 2018-01-26 kl. 23:21, skrev Israel: ...
>>> Hi Israel,
>>> You should be able to let it boot into a text screen, where you can
>>> use a dialog text menu for the alternatives. One alternative can be to
>>> run startx (providing the necessary program packages are installed.
>>> See for example this link (scroll down and you will find some dialog
>>> menus),
>>> Best regards
>>> Nio
>> Hi all,
>> My testing of this text-mode-menu has not gone extremely well. But I
>> have been using the time to consolidate OBI code further into more
>> common functions which provide more error checking, and logging. I have
>> used some of the code from ISOmaker (which is well tested and I have
>> used countless times, and improved over time) to re-implement things
>> that I had done in OBI in an earlier time when my understanding of the
>> chroot and shell scripting was much less than it is now.
>> So currently I am refining OBI further. Nio, if you want to send me a
>> simple way you boot into a terminal logged in, and then launch x on the
>> appropriate tty I would appreciate your added input here. I have done
>> these things in a few ways, but do not have a completely adequate
>> solution in place (so I have reverted to starting X by default)
>> Once I have tweaked the last bits (I have been testing and tweaking the
>> code a lot recently) to fully adapt things, and make sure everything is
>> using the new functions properly I will upload the ISO.
>> Sorry this has taken so long, but I've needed to do this for a while, to
>> make OBI more stable. I have found various areas where there were bugs
>> hidden by a lack of error checking.
>> I am explicitly sending more variables to functions to avoid strange
>> bleed over stuff...
>> I will keep you all posted
> Hi Israel,
> I think the crucial step is autologin. You can try according to the
> following links,
> the method I think I used
> ---
> To auto login user "bob" on first console terminal (tty1) edit file
> /etc/init/tty1.conf and replace last line:
> exec /sbin/getty -8 38400 tty1
> with this:
> exec /bin/login -f bob < /dev/tty1 > /dev/tty1 2>&1
> ---
> I found second alternative (the accepted answer at)
> But there might be a problem, because I used this method when booting
> with 'init', and it might not work with systemd.
> I found this link, claimed to work with Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS, which
> uses systemd (but I have not tested it),
> See the accepted answer.
> ---
> Try this:
> Create the folder: /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d
> Create the file: /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/override.conf
> Open the file with your favorite editor and add this:
> [Service]
> ExecStart=
> ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --noissue --autologin myusername %I $TERM
> Type=idle
> Replace myusername by your user name.
> ---
> -o-
> I think starting X with startx is straight-forward even with systemd.
> It should be enough with the program packages
> xinit fluxbox xterm
> (you would replace fluxbox with some JWM package(s) ...).
> Best regards
> Nio
Hi Nio,
I have already done most of that, including the getty configuration for
The only thing I do not do is use xinit in text-mode-menu... I use
starttorios. Perhaps I should run that instead, though startorios runs
a bunch of stuff to initialize everything else.... but perhaps X is not
being initialize, and lightdm does this automatically? I will test some
more things, and get back to you on it.
The getty line I was using is:
ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty -a root --noclear tty7 $TERM
I tried using %I initially, but that was not working, I will look into
the option you suggest passing (--noissue) and that may cause %I to work
Then I can mess with the text-mode-menu and see if 'starttorios' works
fine, or if I need to use xinit before that.
I also add text-mode-menu to the .bashrc via
[ "${TERM}" == 'linux' ] && text-mode-menu
I will test this out some more, thanks as always for your insights!