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Message #01527
Re: New version with menu fixes available for zsync
Hi Nio,
So the keyboard stuff is working nicely the way I do it, but the locale
is not.
I am not sure exactly why this is.
However I am working on it and I will see what I can do in my testing.
localectl does not work in a chroot, so there is no way to use systemd
processes from the ISO on the installed system.
I will try a few things, and locate any new issue I find based on my
increasing understanding of this
Thanks for your help!!
On 03/24/2018 03:01 AM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
> Hi Israel,
> Here are the keyboard files and the output of localectl.
> -----
> $ diff localectl-stretch localectl-jessie
> 1c1
> < System Locale: n/a
> ---
> > System Locale: LANG=sv_SE
> -----
> So there is a difference. How can I get the correct system locale with
> the interface in stretch? The interface in jessie is easier to
> understand.
> Best regards
> Nio
> Den 2018-03-20 kl. 22:31, skrev Israel:
>> Ahhh... sorry I forgot to redo the md5sum...
>> I redid the md5sum and remade the zsync file. It should work again.
>> Glad things mostly work.
>> Nio, can you look at /etc/default/keyboard file in both systems, and see
>> if there is a difference?
>> Also can you run:
>> localectl
>> in both and send me the output
>> On 03/20/2018 04:06 PM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
>>> Hi Israel and Jack,
>>> 1. I agree with Jack about zsync and the md5sum. I rsynced from
>>> Phill's server where I could also check the md5sum via ssh.
>>> 2. I installed into my Toshiba via the text mode installer at the
>>> basic OBI level. It worked :-)
>>> 3. The installed system works.
>>> 4. In the installed system I can get Swedish keyboard except the
>>> Swedish letters åäö in terminal windows. I got them working in some
>>> previous versions. I verified åäö in the installed systeem of
>>> ToriOS-1.5-jessie.iso dated feb 27 2017. It has not worked in the live
>>> system for a long time.
>>> *. I will test more later.
>>> Best regards
>>> Nio
>>> Den 2018-03-20 kl. 20:51, skrev Cinque Port Computers:
>>>> Hi Israel,
>>>> 1) I couldn't get zsync to complete and so I re-downloaded the full
>>>> new iso file.
>>>> 2) md5sum didn't match.
>>>> 3) Installed ok in VB using text mode obi installer.
>>>> 4) Installed chromium browser ok using Common Tasks.
>>>> That's all for now,
>>>> Jack
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> *From:* Israel <israeldahl@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>> *Sent:* 20 March 2018 6:29 PM
>>>> *To:* Cinque Port Computers; Nio Wiklund
>>>> *Cc:* torios- dev; Jack D. Trice
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [Torios-dev] New version with menu fixes available for
>>>> zsync
>>>> Hey Everyone,
>>>> I uploaded the newer version, which worked pretty well in my
>>>> testing. I fixed the missing /etc issue, and I think most of the
>>>> other things.
>>>> I did not get a bunch of time to test it, but my initial testing did
>>>> well, and it all worked.
>>>> So please re zsync or download the newer ISO.
>>>> It is the same address as below:
>>>> On 03/17/2018 03:55 AM, Cinque Port Computers wrote:
>>>>>>> The zsync should work this time.... and if you don't want to
>>>>> refind the
>>>>>>> links:
>>>>>>> All in one download and check:
>>>>>>> ISO and manual md5sum
>>>>>>> -- >> Regards
>>>> --
>>>> Regards
New version with menu fixes available for zsync
From: Israel, 2018-03-15
Re: New version with menu fixes available for zsync
From: Cinque Port Computers, 2018-03-15
Re: New version with menu fixes available for zsync
From: Cinque Port Computers, 2018-03-16
Re: New version with menu fixes available for zsync
From: Cinque Port Computers, 2018-03-16
Re: New version with menu fixes available for zsync
From: Nio Wiklund, 2018-03-16
Re: New version with menu fixes available for zsync
From: Israel, 2018-03-17
Re: New version with menu fixes available for zsync
From: Cinque Port Computers, 2018-03-17
Re: New version with menu fixes available for zsync
From: Israel, 2018-03-20
Re: New version with menu fixes available for zsync
From: Cinque Port Computers, 2018-03-20
Re: New version with menu fixes available for zsync
From: Nio Wiklund, 2018-03-20
Re: New version with menu fixes available for zsync
From: Israel, 2018-03-20
Re: New version with menu fixes available for zsync
From: Nio Wiklund, 2018-03-24