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Network Manager Packages on Xubuntu 12.04.5 (Was: Re: The Networking Issue)



On 12/30/2014 03:18 PM, Ali Linx wrote:

On 12/30/2014 02:18 PM, Israel wrote:
Hi Ali,

Hi Israel and thanks for your quick reply :)

On 12/29/2014 08:38 PM, Ali Linx wrote:
I'm thinking that .. maybe, just maybe .. the issue with the
networking is perhaps because there is a missing package?

We all know that ToriOS is based on Ubuntu Mini ISO and we all know
that the Mini ISO has no GUI whatsoever unless a human user do install
that him/her self.

Actually this is based off of a script that pulls in packages... It
might be based off of Mini, if we need to... the need for this has not
been show to exist yet (NetworkManager did not work in the Mini for the
same reason... whatever that is)
Not sure I understood that correctly. IIRC, Mini ISO has no network manager, at least GUI one.

In our case with ToriOS, we started to build the system from Mini ISO by adding the needed few packages we wanted.

IMHO, such issue as the network manager happens a lot in such cases. We sometimes forget to add some packages. I'm just thinking loudly that this might be the case. I might be wrong though.

I'm attaching a screenshot from Synaptic on Xubuntu 12.04.5 showing the installed packages for the network manager.

There might be related packages but I chose to show the installed ones only that related to the search keyword I used "network manager".


FWIW, this email might be useful. If not, please ignore it :)

Thank you!


Attachment: Screenshot - 12302014 - 03:11:24 PM.png
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