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Canonical Support team BugControl Application


Hello Bug Control,

I would like to apply for bug control membership for the Canonical Support
[1] team. The Canonical Support team is responsible for providing support
for Ubuntu Advantage customers. The team is a restricted Canonical team.

The reason we would like to join bug control is to have access to bugs
which we currently do not have access to in order to better support our
customers by gaining access to other reports which may assist us in
debugging issues as well as obtaining workarounds for issues that have
already been reported. We would like to be able to access the private crash
reports in Launchpad because our customers are often reluctant to send the
reports to Launchpad or the Error tracker when they have a crash. The
support team will participate much less in the role of assigning
importances to bugs and more of triaging, reproducing, and debugging issues
which arise for our customers.

We have no specific set of packages that we will be working with, just what
comes to us from our customers.

I [2] will serve as the initial representative between the support team and
bug control. There is also interest from others in the team in becoming
full bug control members (and not just by being part of the support team).

The support team being added to bug control will increase the level of
service that we are able to provide to our customers making a better
experience for all involved..

[1] https://launchpad.net/~canonical-support

[2] https://launchpad.net/~cjohnston



Chris Johnston <chrisjohnston@xxxxxxxxxx <chris.johnston@xxxxxxxxxx>>
Canonical Ltd.

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