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Re: Over and out


Christopher M. Penalver:
> As well, having the outdated BIOS upgraded would be a great
> step, as well as having the mainline kernel tested to this issue.

In my own experience BIOS are usually very buggy and trigger many issues. I know of 3 bugs in my own computer BIOS.

Rolf Leggewie:
> He and I would like to find the cause of this without your constant
> interference.

Taking decisions slowly by consensus is what usually works the best. But sometimes those are so trivial or so uncertain that taking one without entering in too much discussion is a better choice, as the opposite would mean spending most of the time in topics that really doesn't matter at all.

When that happens, because Ubuntu is a meritocratic community, the Canonical staff has always the last word. And everyone should accept that.

Christopher M. Penalver:
> If you find something I've done alienating, I deeply and sincerely
> apologize for this. I will reflect on the intent of this e-mail, and
> how to better my triaging approach. My intentions are only to get to
> the technical root cause of a particular report, and follow the
> guidelines already set out by the respective teams whose packages I
> triage.

Christopher, you have been too kind. Managing an irrational situation in a rational way is like asking someone to change religion: it won't work.

As rule of thumbs, if someone treats you steadily disrespectful there's no single reason for continuing the business. Because there's no single excuse for mistreating other people.

In those cases the most appropriate answer I have found is the following, which for me feels like letting go a big weight:

Rolf Leggewie (http://tinyurl.com/p2eflk5):
> Yadda, yadda.
> Dude, you must be by FAR the single most-hated guy on LP. You must
> hear to get lost and leave people alone at least a good dozen times a
> day, don't you? Why don't you do that? You are NOT helping the
> project, even though you might think you do.


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