ubuntu-bugcontrol team mailing list archive
ubuntu-bugcontrol team
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Message #04461
Re: Application from Vej for Ubuntu Bug Control membership
Hello Alberto.
Thanks for your feedback which helps me to see some practices from a different perspective.
I see your point on all of the things you wrote (and am working on fixing them where possible) but want to give a comment on a few points:
Alberto Salvia Novella:
> ----------------------
> ----------------------
> Jonas Diekmann:
> > (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/1657440)
> > -- Asked on #ubuntu-bugs to triage this.
> This is a common practise, but I recommend not doing it. People shall communicate only when there's an abnormality, not when doing ordinary work. Otherwise you end getting a big wave of irrelevant messages.
> (https://eriskusnadi.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/push-pull-system.png)
> The moment a bug is confirmed it automatically appears in my work-flow as requiring importance to be set, so noticing me about that really does nothing:
> (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/One%20Hundred%20Papercuts/Importance/Lists%20of%20bugs)
I totally understand this and will stop doing so from now on.
Maybe you want to remove the following sentences from the box in the documentation under https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Bug%20statuses. Thats were I got this idea from.
"Paste the report number in #ubuntu-bugs channel at FreeNode and say you think the report should be set to 'Triaged' with importance 'Wishlist / Low / Medium / High / Critical' according to Bugs/Importance. Someone will notice your comment and set it for you, although not necessarily immediately."
> -------------
> -------------
> Jonas Diekmann:
> > (https://bugs.launchpad.net/deja-dup/+bug/1657092)
> (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Triage):
> > If the bug is trivial to fix, is it marked as affecting the
> > "hundredpapercuts" project?
Does this even apply if the bug has a patch attached to it (as was the case here)?
> ------------------
> ------------------
> Jonas Diekmann:
> > (https://bugs.launchpad.net/deja-dup/+bug/1657092)
> (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/One%20Hundred%20Papercuts/Triage/Classify%20as%20a%20stable%20release%20update):
> > If a bug falls into one of these cases:
> > ...
> > - Fixing it has little chance of messing other things up
> > ...
> > You shall nominate it for a stable release update.
That is new to me. So I should not work on getting this into the upstream project first, so Ubuntu can release upstream packages instead of deriving its own ones?
Best Regards
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