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Re: Application from Vej for Ubuntu Bug Control membership


On Mon, 13 Feb 2017 19:52:27 +0100
Vej <ubuntu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


>  Maybe you want to remove the following sentences from the box in the
> documentation under https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Bug%20statuses.
> Thats were I got this idea from.
>  "Paste the report number in #ubuntu-bugs channel at FreeNode and say
> you think the report should be set to 'Triaged' with importance
> 'Wishlist / Low / Medium / High / Critical' according tW
> Bugs/Importance. Someone will notice your comment and set it for you,
> although not necessarily immediately."

As commented on my previous response, the #ubuntu-bugs channel is there.
Use it.

The text above should stay as is.

> > -------------
> > -------------
> >
> > Jonas Diekmann:  
> > > (https://bugs.launchpad.net/deja-dup/+bug/1657092)  
> >
> > (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Triage):  
> > > If the bug is trivial to fix, is it marked as affecting the
> > > "hundredpapercuts" project?  
> Does this even apply if the bug has a patch attached to it (as was
> the case here)?

It would probably apply. A papercut bug is generically defined as one
easy to fix, but painful to experience. If you think a bug is can be
classified as a papercut, add a task to it. Even if a patch is present.

It should be pointed out that patches, OTOH, may require a bit more
work. We usually prefer patches that have been accepted upstream, so
verification will have to be performed.



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