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author status report (U1)


Hello all,

I have completed my first draft and uploaded it to launch pad.

I have not yet proofread this myself, but hope to do so over the weekend. *Feel
free to take a look and provide feedback on the structure and content*.

I was trying to get my U1 to exceed the 5GB mark, so I could write on what
would happen (and get screenshots), however U1 has been turning its sync
off without my permission for some reason. I will fight with it more over
the weekend. For now I am just saying "If you exceed 5GB, you will have to
...." but ideally I would be writing: "If you see this this or this happen,
you have exceeded your storage limit. Now you must ...."

<Link to outline<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ix3_GMlCbv7lB7hj4ags3A81ZOrfJTdqnZQG_EBVJBo/edit>
