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About FrontlineSMS packaging



I'm doing some work with FrontlineSMS for my current employer, and in collaboration with a number of other non-profits we are working on a bootable USB GSM modem that boots straight into a linux distro running FrontlineSMS.

The modem has an sdcard reader that is a standard usb device.

That particular task would be a lot easier if there were deb's of FrontlineSMS, and I noticed that AndrewSomething has started the proccess of packaging FrontlineSMS.

Although i'm a pretty seasoned linux user and admin, I have no experience with apt packaging, and I was wondering if someone could guide me in the right direction for finishing the task Andrew started. I'd even be willing to try and scrape together a small bounty if someone could help me get a solid ubuntu package of frontlineSMS running.

About Me:
Since i'm new to ubuntu-ngo, I thought i'd introduce myself quickly. I've worked with open source technology in the NGO sector since 2001 when i spent 3 months in Ghana installing linux servers and building wireless networks in Accra, Ghana. I co-founded and ran wire.less.dk which trains and documents the building of open network infrastructure, especially wireless and wireless mesh networks, with a focus on the developing world. Currently I'm CTO at a small non-profit called Refugees United (http://refunite.org/) where we run a search engine for refugees to reconnect with missing family.



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