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Re: Qt 5.2 info, fixes and rebuilds needed


On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 12:19 PM, Daniel Holbach
<daniel.holbach@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 28.01.2014 10:05, Timo Jyrinki wrote:
>> Testing, fixing and bug filing is very much needed to get everything
>> top-notch! Use the 'qt5.2' tag for bugs
>> (https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.tag=qt5.2)
>> Regarding flashable images, Oliver Grawert hinted that this week could
>> see the needed support hacked up for the image creation using the PPA.
>> I believe first image tests could be started as soon as the images can
>> be built.
> this would be awesome. I guess the earlier qt5.2 becomes a reality (being in
> the archive, on images, etc.), the more bugs will be uncovered and fixed.
> Thanks a lot everyone for your work on this. :-)

Too many news items to summarize easily, so I'll just give a list
instead as a status update:
- Autopilot tests were largely succeeding for some test suites
(ubuntu-ui-toolkit, unity8) but had ~5% failures. Qt 5.2.1 seems to
get 100% pass for those two, but some smaller apps still have failing
tests, some for obvious reasons like lack of multimedia.
- This week the rootstock-ng was announced by Oliver, so system images
with 5.2 PPA should be possible to create now for more automated
testing: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg06352.html
- Qt 5.2.1 is in the qt5-beta2 PPA as of today. The upstream bugfixes
should be helpful, including the remaining V4 fixes that were done.
The new QML engine has needed polishing also from Ubuntu developers,
so let's hope it's now stable in 5.2.1 (+ a couple of cherry-picked
patches that didn't make it to 5.2.1).
- I've filed FFe for Qt 5.2(.1) at http://pad.lv/1278329 since it's
not possible to get everything done by the timeframe. This is because
of our "images are always flawless" / "no regressions" development
methods, making this transition a big effort until it can be landed.
Currently uploading Qt 5.2.1 would result in many regressions still.
When the builds and rebuilds of 100 packages start, it will also take
some time, potentially several days, to get everything built for all
architectures taking the dependency chains into account.

A few Qt 5.2.1 specifics, interesting to a subset of developers that
want to eg. debug:
- To test Qt 5.2.1, the latest instructions are always at
- As requested for performance evaluation, Qt 5.2.1 is now built in
release mode, without any debug flags (that were requested earlier).
- I try to offer optional "+debug" packages of Qt in another (reused)
PPA https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/qt5-proper -
it should work so that you enable that in addition to the normal Qt
5.2 PPA.
- Any packages in the main qt5-beta2 PPA not yet rebuilt against the
new Qt may still have inherited the old qtbase's debug flag.
- When using the debug builds of Qt, you may need to rebuild the
package being debugged in debug mode as well to get good backtraces.
- If ever needed, I snapshotted a full backup of Qt 5.2.0 + packages
built against it at

Needed work to be done, interesting to those which have affected components:
- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtvideo-node/+bug/1267818
- The updated qtmultimedia-touch to bring working multimedia, now that
it needs to be maintained still for this cycle
- Any packages installing mkspecs file need possibly to adjust
themselves or detect Qt version, since Debian changed the mkspecs
directory (example maliit-framework http://pad.lv/1279235) - this will
show up as breaking builds. We largely do use CMake though.
- Any other bugs https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.tag=qt5.2
now open or filed soon by eg. the QA team
- As usual, all autopilot tests need to pass and QA team will validate
an image built with Qt 5.2.1 as passing
- Qt Creator 3.0 + plugin from the SDK team (I've understood this
should be already in relatively good shape)


Follow ups
