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Re: Frequent reboots under devel-proposed images #95 and #96?


On 06/25/2014 07:08 AM, Sergio Schvezov wrote:
> On miércoles 25 de junio de 2014 09h'00:02 ART, Jamie Strandboge wrote:
>> On 06/25/2014 02:21 AM, Oliver Grawert wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> Am Dienstag, den 24.06.2014, 23:44 -0500 schrieb Victor Thompson:
>>  ...
>> This has been an issue for me for a little while. I'm on 87 now and I think it
>> was (at least) two promoted images before that. I can't figure out the exact
>> cause so I haven't filed a bug.
>>> if you do not see the google logo it is not rebooting. the symptoms look
>>> rather like either lightdm or Mir is crashing, have a look in /var/crash
>>> if there are any crash files collected.
>> I sometimes see the google logo and sometimes do not. I have a bunch of crash
>> files in /var/crash and I just used /usr/share/apport/whoopsie-upload-all on.
> Does the boot logo ever stop running btw?
Yes (again, I am on 87). Every time this has happened whether it was a full
reboot with Google logo (and then subsequent Ubuntu logo) or what looks like a
session restart (ie, just the Ubuntu logo).

> These are the standard crashes when using the system for long enough (+5 hours
> user style use) which I hope thomi's monkey finger pilot starts exposing to
> people not using the device for user level purposes.
I don't understand this point. I'm hearing an implication (perhaps incorrectly)
that when something crashes and the crash is being processed I might see the
Ubuntu logo (as opposed to the black screen before). This may or may not be a
session restart. Is this accurate?

>> That said, I've heard all kinds of things from non-authoritative sources about
>> these crash reports lately from them not being properly sent to the armhf ones
>> not being useful. Can someone set the record straight on this?
> Those rumours seems to be true; I was hoping that haing them properly generated
> and on errors.ubuntu.com would be sufficient as this is not really easy to
> reproduce except for saying, "use the phone for a day without rebooting"
> (emphasis on "use" and not just leave it on).
If true, that is frightening. (I hope it is not)

Jamie Strandboge                 http://www.ubuntu.com/

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