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W dniu 14.08.2014 o 09:30, Matt Richardson pisze:
How will Unity decide which form factor to use? Could the same method be employed here? Alternatively, what about allowing the user to decide a form factor (with auto-detected defaults) and using the chosen form for the settings? i.e. About this phone/tablet/computer
We try to avoid the "form factor" term and instead think of "usage modes". There will only be one unity8 code base, morphing ever so slightly depending on what mode you're in.
We only identified 3 distinct usage modes - touch (phone, tablet), 1' (desktop), 10' (TV). But it's the user's decision which mode they will work in on any given screen. You can have a touch UI on your phone with a huge flat panel or beamer connected wirelessly (yes, I went there!) and have a 10' UI there. But you can also have 1' mode enabled on a tablet if you wanted, whether you have a physical keyboard or not shouldn't even matter. And then you can have touch interface on your laptop, just because you like it.
We will try and make a conscious decision the first time we encounter a configuration (connected displays, periphery, networks, location, whatnot) and if you override it, we'll do our best to remember your decision.
To the original point, no, this string needs to be hardware dependant or not dependant at all. Or we can heuristically try and say it's a phone or a laptop, but is this small label really so important?
-- Michał (Saviq) Sawicz <michal.sawicz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Canonical Services Ltd.
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