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Re: Vivid ubuntu-touch landings during the final freeze


Am Samstag, den 18.04.2015, 18:27 -0700 schrieb Steve Langasek:

> No moreso than you would need to do a dist-upgrade on the phone before
> installing packages from a silo today.  The packages from this ppa will be
> automatically pulled in to each subsequent image build.
you can't do a dist-upgrade today (and we explicitly avoid it in the
testing tools by pointing the sources.list to /dev/null [1]) since you
cant predict if there will be a package upgrade that falls over on hard
links into the writeable space (if there is such a package inside the
silo there are usually special install instructions for testers [2]).

for silo testing we simply expect testers to use the latest possible
image they can so that updated system dependencies would be shipped


[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing/lxc-android-config
