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Webapps Team - Week of June 5


Webapps Team Status update as of June 5

- Work on the Javascript Scopes container, in collaboration with Marcus :
evaluate V8 and NPM to import compatible libraries (browserify); the
prototype showed the extent of work that would be required, compared to
re-using the nodejs container; the main problem was with modules and
libraries assuming a pure node context, and creating compatibility issues;
Alex then switched to rebasing the prototype to a streamlined nodejs
- Lastpass : debugged a webapp issue that was preventing this application
from working correctly in our container; the issue turned out to be an
appcache parameter problem.

Online Accounts
- V2 API : daemon lifecycle implementation, optimizing dbus interactions
between clients and the service; also shutting down the service as soon as
- Cookie sharing - re-tested the current prototype and clarified how the
combination of OA integration and cookie sharing was to work

HTM5 Apps & Oxide
- Oxide : feature work on small items like: datalist support, do not track,
navigator.vibrate, + a few bug fixes for webbrowser-app
- Push Notifications - Further oxide backend implementation, routing
notifications up to the JS code.
- New Cordova Ubuntu release 5.0 uploaded, including bug fixes for the icon
- Fullscreen video playback overlay getting ready; the general behavior is
in place at this stage; up next is a bit of refactoring of the oxide
branch, and sharing the component between browser and container for the
time being - See video