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Re: How to translate two strings


On Sun, 2015-08-30 at 22:59 +0200, Krzysztof Tataradziński wrote:

> Thanks, I was also thinking in that way. But the question for now is
> what is 'trash info file'?
> Is it a one file with some logs about all deleted files?
> Maybe that 'trash info file' is created (in directory of origin
> deleted file) when we delete some file and contain some information
> where goes deleted file?
> Second question (connected with first one) - why this file is needed
> in system, what its purpose?

See "Contents of a trash directory" in the FDo spec[1]. These files only
exist on filesystems where a Trash directory following the spec is
present. The two messages you're asking about would appear when there
are specific errors when dealing with emptying Trash, or restoring items
from Trash.

[1] http://standards.freedesktop.org/trash-spec/trashspec-latest.html

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