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Re: Fixing Volume Controls


On 30.09.2015 12:59, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi,
> Am Mittwoch, den 30.09.2015, 12:21 +0200 schrieb Michael Zanetti:
>> On 30.09.2015 12:01, Oliver Grawert wrote:
>>> hi
>>> Am Dienstag, den 29.09.2015, 18:07 +0100 schrieb Matthew Paul Thomas:
>>>> As far as I know, nothing is preventing developers from putting a
>>>> role-specific slider in their apps. But that doesn't/wouldn't fix any
>>>> of the problems where the volume buttons don't do what you expect.
>>> quoting you from bug 1389761:
>>> We'll add a "system volume slider" as a standard toolkit widget that any
>>> app can use. This slider will do three special things:
>>> ...
>>> (b) automatically reflect, and adjust, the system volume for the active
>>> output role, without the app having to do anything at all;
>>> ...
>>> did i misunderstand you in that bug ? to me it reads like we will have a
>>> volume slider element in the toolkit that isn't modifyable for the
>>> role ...  (instead of having one that defaults to the active role but
>>> allows a dev to override it with a "role: " property)
>> IMHO, apps should not be able to change the system volume... They might
>> have a slider inside which then adjusts their own sounds relative to the
>> current system value, but in no way an app should be able to change
>> another app's volume.
> hmm, i find "relative to the system volume" problematic since it will
> only work at the one point in time where you actually adjust it in the
> app ...
> i.e. your system volume for a specific role is 50% ... your app sets the
> volume to 20% of these 50% ... now you turn down the system volume to
> 30% and miss the in-app notification sound because 20% of the 30% are
> way to low ... (along with that problem, it might also be super
> confusing for the user) 

fair point... It still is useful to relatively adjust things inside the
app. For example machines vs machines does have such sliders. One for
controlling the background music, one for controlling the sound effects.
Those sliders are not to be understood as absolute volume controls, but
rather as a setting if you want to have more background music, or more
sound effects (or to turn one of them off completely). To control the
overall volume of the game, use the multimedia-slider in the system.

I just have noticed that those sliders don't work at all in the game any
more... They used to work in the way I described at some point tho...
Seems the Audio {} element just ignores the volume property nowadays
(?). I haven't really debugged where it's going wrong atm though.

> what i'm trying to say is that *if* we provide a volume slider element
> in the toolkit, the role should be selectable by the developer, else
> that slider is rather useless IMHO (especially if it jumps back and
> forth between the active roles like it does today).

right... still think such a slider should not adjust the system value,
but I totally agree, whatever it does, it should not jump between roles
as things do now.


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