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Re: Ubuntu phone calendar app


I also wanted to reply to this.

Am Do, 3. Dez, 2015 um 11:55 schrieb Mitchell Reese <dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
On 04/12/15 08:24, Niklas Wenzel wrote:
> Am Mo, 23. Nov, 2015 um 4:22 schrieb Michał Sawicz
> <michal.sawicz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> W dniu 23.11.2015 o 15:58, Renato Filho pisze:
>>     In fact this command looks redundant: text:
>>     i18n.tr(currentMonth.toLocaleString(Qt.locale(),i18n.tr("MMMM
>>     yyyy"))) you do not need the extra: i18n.tr(....) covering the
>> result of 'currentMonth.toLocaleString(Qt.locale(),i18n.tr("MMMM >> yyyy"))' besides that everything looks good. I did some tests on >> my device and I did not find any problem, it printed the correct
>>     month name in Pt BR. You can check if you system is using the
>>     correct languange by trying this command on your terminal: date
>>     +%B, it should print the full month name in your language.
>> This is because date formatting shouldn't be used here. There's a
>> separate method for standaloneMonthName [1] as opposed to possessive, >> which is used in date formatting. Check out the sample code [2]. [1] >> http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtqml-locale.html#standaloneMonthName-method [2]
>> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/13477242/
> Hi all,
> Even though this doesn't affect me at all, I found it a bit sad that
> it was lying around with no bug report anywhere.
> So I filed one and proposed a fix for the issue. Thank you for the
> hint, Michał!
> You can follow the progress here:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/1522569
> And here:
> https://code.launchpad.net/~nikwen/ubuntu-calendar-app/fix-standalone-month-name-i18n/+merge/279509 > <https://code.launchpad.net/%7Enikwen/ubuntu-calendar-app/fix-standalone-month-name-i18n/+merge/279509>
> Next time when you have an issue with an app, file a bug report for
> it. Instead of posting it to this list, go ahead and post it where the
> developers are going to listen: on the bug tracker on Launchpad. I
> guess that none of the calendar app developers even saw this message
> or they would probably have replied.
> Cheers,
> Niklas
Thanks for that Niklas. FYI - I don't always have the time to find the
right project on launchpad, and go through the process of filing a bug.
Particularly when I'm out and about with my phone, this is tedious
enough that it's just not going to happen. A number of people in the
past have said sending reports to this mailing list is also fine - it
would be good for someone to clarify whether this is the case or not.
I understand this point for when one does not have a clue which project 
to file it against. However, the core apps or, let's say, Unity8 and 
the indicators should be relatively easy to find using Launchpad's 
search functionality.
As a community member I'm happy to help out with the project while I
can, and when I have the time, I'm happy to file bug reports. Time
currently is at a huge premium for me however - between work (2
businesses, one of which is a busy theatre company), family commitments
(2 kids under 10), and end of the year madness, it's rare I get to sit
down at my computer and do ANYTHING with Ubuntu these days.
I totally understand that you don't have time to sit down at a computer 
but does it really take that much longer and is it more effective to 
file a bug report than to send out an email where only in an estimated 
50% of all cases someone actually goes ahead and files a bug report?
If you bookmark the Avengers wiki page where you can find links to the 
most important phone project bug trackers, including the direct "File a 
bug" link, this gets much faster and all you have to do is to actually 
write the bug report: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Avengers
So what's more useful - posting to this list in the hopes someone (like Renato) will be able to help with an issue, and pass it up the chain, or
posting nothing, and forgetting about the problem because I don't have
time to file a bug report? Yep, get that the calendar is one of the
easier projects to find, but often 'file a bug report' means lots of
searching to find out where to actually file it. I've got about 20
minutes now before I'm out the door again, and am probably going to be
spending it troubleshooting my device so I can get the calendar working - sorry, but the bug report is a few more notches down the priority list.
I'd like to point out that in this specific case there was nothing 
wrong with the calculator besides a minor translation issue and 
everything else was working fine. Besides editing the QML files in 
/opt/clicks.ubuntu.com I don't see how one should be able to solve this 
Of course, posting it here may reveal it to a larger audience, but what 
if everyone started posting all of their bugs on the list now? Would 
you still like to be subscribed then? I don't think so...


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