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Re: So how will this tablet thingamie work then?


El día Friday, April 01, 2016 a las 01:29:42PM +0100, Gareth France escribió:

> Sounds more like a workaround than a solution to me. Canonical have put so
> much effort into making this just so. It needs to have a consumer ready way
> to keep it in tune with your other devices. No PHD required to set it up.

No, for me this (SSH/scp/rsync) is the solution. Keep in mind, that not
all run Ubuntu on their laptops/netbooks (I run FreeBSD), that the used
MUA on the laptop or phone/tablet are quiet different (on FreeBSD I
use the MUA mutt, on the BQ I do use Dekko), etc. One must find
solutions for syncing the devices, and one must document such solutions
for others to benefit from, for example here:



Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru@xxxxxxxxxxx, ⌂ http://www.unixarea.de/  ☎ +49-176-38902045
Bundeswehr: Wir.Dienen.Deutschland. - Wir.Machen.Krieg.  (We.Serve.Germany. - We.Make.War.)
