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Re: [tablet] confused after connecting M10 to monitor via HDMI.


El día Monday, April 25, 2016 a las 10:02:26PM +0200, Alexey Balmashnov escribió:

> > ls -l ~phablet/Pictures/Screenshots/
> >
> > and
> >
> > ls -ld ~phablet/Pictures/Screenshots/
> >
> > show what?
> >
> They show empty folders.

Could you please answer with the exact output cut/pasted from the above
commands? This is not to bother you but to help you. Thanks. For example,
below ~phablet/Pictures/Screenshots/ should not exist any folder at all.

Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru@xxxxxxxxxxx, ⌂ http://www.unixarea.de/  ☎ +49-176-38902045
¡Dios querido denos otra vez los problemas de ayer, los que tuvimos en la RDA!
My Lord, give us back the problems of yesterday, those we have had in the GDR.
