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Burning Circle Episode 134


This week brings miscellaneous news such as dates for the [next UDS](http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2013/10/03/next-online-ubuntu-developer-summit-19-21-nov-2013/) and mention of the [new LoCo Council members announcement](https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/loco-contacts/2013-October/006521.html).  An approximate transcript is also given below.

Download [here (MP3)](http://ohio.ubuntu-us.org/sites/default/files/BC-134.mp3) [(ogg)](http://ohio.ubuntu-us.org/sites/default/files/BC-134.mp3) [(FLAC)](https://archive.org/download/BC134/BC-134.flac) [(Speex)](https://archive.org/download/BC134/BC-134.spx), or [subscribe to the podcast (MP3)](http://ohio.ubuntu-us.org/burningcircle/feed) to have episodes delivered to your media player.  We suggest subscribing by way of a service like [gpodder.net](http://gpodder.net/subscribe?url=http://ohio.ubuntu-us.org/burningcircle/feed).  Throw a paperback [via this Amazon picklist](http://amzn.com/w/35SWMCWPMXDJE).

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/>.

* * *

>*Welcome to the Burning Circle.  For release on Monday, October 7th, this is episode 134.*

>*It appears that late on Sunday we saw the offline documentation for mainline Ubuntu accepted into the archive for Saucy Salamander.  This was a very late upload and busted several freezes.  Some mitigation may be required within the Ubuntu Documentation Project as a "core" developer has to upload the offline documentation for mainline Ubuntu while for Kubuntu and Xubuntu anybody with upload privileges for the Universe pocket can do so.  Currently there are no developers within the Ubuntu Documentation Project with "core" privileges.*

>*We are now ten days away from release.  Although I heard from Justin Andrusk on the mailing list with an expression of interest having a localized release party I have not heard anything after that.  We coming up on a point of no return here for setting up a release party.  What is the community's pleasure?*

>*Mir will not be the default display server in any flavor of Ubuntu coming out this month.  The acceptance criteria was not met which meant that while groundbreaking work was done the desired level of quality was not reached.  Work continues on development, though.* 

>*I am now an appointee to the LoCo Council.  No, it is not a prerequisite that you be the leader of Ubuntu Ohio to serve on LoCo Council.  Just because my predecessor as leader Paul Tagliamonte also was appointed to LoCo Council doesn't mean it is a direct path.*

>*Ubuntu Developer Summit is coming up next month.  It will run November 19th through November 21st.  This puts it the week before Thanksgiving.  Please remember that we are not bystanders in Ubuntu Ohio, innocent or otherwise.  Since the next release is a Long-Term Support release it will be time to speak up if you have concerns.  Remember, our big goal is enfranchisement and ensuring the removal of barriers to participation.*

>*With all that being said, thank you for tuning in.  This program has been brought to you over the facilities of the Internet Archive and Ubuntu Ohio by the Air Staff of Erie Looking Productions.  Until we meet again, remember what was said to Patrick McGoohan playing the Prisoner on that island in [that 70s TV show](http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Prisoner&oldid=572256672).*

>*We'll be seeing you...* 

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