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Re: Broadcasting from Me Menu: thoughts after some time using it


On 28/06/10 21:40, Apoorva Sharma wrote:
> I really like the idea of having some sort of notification on a
> successful broadcast from the memenu. However, I think that too much
> color could be a problem. Thus, I propose the following:
>     * After the user stops writing the message, a spinner fades in at
>       the right end of the textbox.
>     * If the message is successfully sent, the spinner fades out, a
>       check fades in, and after a while, the check fades out.
>     * If the message fails to be sent, then a red cross fades in in
>       place of the spinner, and doesn't fade out until the message is
>       sent.
>     * If it fails at first, but then works, the red x fades out, and
>       the check fades in.
> I think that this system would provide a minimalistic notification of
> the broadcast, fitting in with the minimalistic style of the panel.

However, we want to preserve as many of the benefits of "menu" operation
as possible. When you click on a menu item, or hit enter, *the menu
disappears*. That makes them very lean to work with, because you don't
have to act-then-dismiss, as you do with dialogs.

In the tweet-from-me-menu case, we want to preserve that lightweight

So, clicking on the me menu, typing your message, and pressing enter
should *dismiss* the menu. But then we still want to provide some
feedback on the success or failure of the tweet. Hence the desire for a
spinny overlaid, followed by a green flash if it went well, and a
persistent red hint if it did not.


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