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What to call the unity panel?



I was about to implement a part of the new System Settings spec [1] when I saw that it referred to the unity panel as "the top bar".

But in a past cycle, I implemented the Time & Date spec [2] which has UI that refers to the unity panel as "the menu bar".

So which one is the official user-facing phrase? I can fix either UI to be consistent, I just need to know which.


[1] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ILTJDiDCd25Npt2AmgzF8aOnZZECxTfM0hvsbWT2BxA/edit?hl=en_GB&pli=1#heading=h.i5lg1g344bsb

[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeAndDate#Time_.26_Date_settings

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