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Re: Is there a reason Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right/Up/Down was disabled?


On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 01:56, Josh Strawbridge

> On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 11:28 AM, frederik.nnaji@xxxxxxxxx <
> frederik.nnaji@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>  AH.. now i see..
>>> i think it's better for blender3d users..
> unless they changed something recently, or if it's a shortcut in the maya
> layout settings, i'm pretty sure that blender doesn't use ctrl+alt+arrow
> keys for anything.
> i even just looked through the default input shortcuts to check but if i'm
> mistaken please say so. i'd be curious as to what blender uses that for.

you're right, i don't think CTRL+ALT+arrow is a n issue for blender users..
but take ALT-drag, that's terrible with blender. It pulls the entire window
away, when you only want to pan your view _within_ the window. So
SUPER+drag would be better, in all, concentrating window-manager-level
interaction onto the SUPER key makes it easier for an application developer
to offer reasonable key mappings _within_ an application.
