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Re: Problems with last SVN


Bruno Chareyre said:     (by the date of Mon, 29 Jan 2007 12:37:02 +0100)

> Ok, sorry it was not clear. Commiting is not exactly the problem. The 
> problem is rather commiting something that compiles and works properly.
> For the moment, I face a new issue each time I try. So I keep working on 
> a private version of Yade :-\, and Luc Scholtes has its own version too, 
> which of course is not the same as mine...

I hope that you will get it sorted out... If there is anything else I
can help with, just ask.

> Indeed... I didn't define PREFIX when I compiled.
> Ok, thank you. I hope I will have time to try the thing with -DPREFIX in 
> the afternoon.

remember to give the path like I did -DPREFIX=/home/janek/YADE

> >make compile_install CXXFLAGS='-pthread -lpthread -O3 -I/usr/include/wm3 -DPREFIX=/home/janek/YADE'  INSTALL_DIR='/YADE' PREFIX_DIR='/home/janek'

> I'm not sure... is Scons supposed to replace completely the qmake 
> building method?
> I hope no. Because qmake is kdevelop-friendly, and I think an IDE is a 
> great thing when it works (which is not 100% the case of kdevelop but 
> let them time perhaps ;-) ).

A good point. Whatever will be done with the build system, don't
worry. I'll make sure that kdevelop will work. Kdevelop supports not
only qmake projects, but also automake, and perhaps few others. Maybe
it can use scons too? I don't know. That's a thing to be checked

Currently the build method is a bit messy due to scons changes. And
this needs to be cleaned up before the release :)

> Honestly guys, it's becoming hard to be a part-time developper of Yade. 
> When you can't work on it every days, it's  hard to follow the evolutions.
> I'm sure that I can read something on PREFIX if I browse the archives of 
> the mailing list, as Vaclav usually writes detailed comments of his 
> commits, but it's a tedious task (for me) and makes a lot of time spent 
> on something that is not improving the modelling capabilities of Yade.
> Now i'm scared because perhaps next time I'll have time for Yade, i'll 
> need to install Wm4 or VTK (all this for a class Vector3?). Then perhaps 
> it won't compile because I will have a different version of a random 
> stuff in kubuntu... So at the end I will have to install a different distro.

If you don't have much time to follow the development then for the
sake of your own peace, please don't use the latest SVN. You can work
in peace without doing 'svn update'. Latest SVN *is* *supposed* to
change dramatically, nothing can change that. It's the development
going forward.

On the contrary when I am making a release I am making completely
sure that the release is prepared to be used without any surprises.

The conflict arises when you want to commit something, but you don't
have a latest version, and like on friday - it doesn't work with new
version. That's the case when I want to help you. If you ask on IRC
maybe you'll get even quicker answer than on this mailing list.

> Well... this is a bit exaggerated of course... but be carefull or it may 
> become the feeling of the average Yade user.

It shouldn't, because average user is not supposed to use SVN snapshot.

> I think some Yade users here in 3S have a version of Yade that is more 
> than 1 year old. Honestly, I won't tell them to upgrade to a more recent 
> version as I know its the best way to cause trouble...

A good decision. Good time to upgrade will be with a next release.
Perhaps I will make a release just after I defend, and before I come
to France. There is some useful stuff done in the SVN snapshot, that
some people may want to use, but without a release, using the
SVN snapshot means that you are prepared to spend time on unexpected

# Janek Kozicki
yade-dev mailing list
