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Re: new reorganized branch ( for Bruno )


>I have tested the reorganized branch and I like it *VERY* much.
>Excellent job Vaclav. I'd replace it with current trunk, but Bruno
>will probalbly oppose - we need to add support for kdevelop in the
>new tree. 
Yes, I noticed that *.kdevelop and *.pro files disapeared... ;-). I 
didn't think it was a permanent situation.
I'll try to visit the wiki on Scons-Kdevelop if i've time, which is not 
very sure...

The most important question is, how do i add a new class to Yade now? 
I'm used to include the new classes in pro files by hand (not using 
kdevelop then...), which is very easy. How it will work without pro files?

In fact, why remove pro files at all? Is it really the plan? I thought 
Vaclav used them for the scons build.

One point raised in the past in 3S by Philippe Marin should be kept in 
mind i think :
"When you read SDEC code, you feel like it has been developped by a 
mechanical engineer, and you understand the code. When you read yade 
code, you feel like it has been developped by programmers, and you 
understand nothing"

I would add : "when you try to _use_ Yade (and want to write few 
classes), you feel like you have to learn linux first, waste hours to 
install it, configure network, etc.,  learn a bit of bash, learn how 
qmake, scons or whatever work, and a lot more things."

This is why most people who really use DEM in 3S keep using SDEC or PFC 
at the moment (PFC when they don't have to write code). And they are 
developping a lot of things I'd like to see in yade rather than sdec 
(membranes, clumps,...).

So one of my concerns with each change is : will I have to learn 
something new? and will it become even harder to make my colleagues use 
I think kdevelop is a good tool to help people start with yade with the 
minimal background. But I'm sure Vaclav has this in mind already ;-).


Chareyre Bruno
Maître de conférence

Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble
Laboratoire 3S (Soils Solids Structures) - bureau I08
BP 53 - 38041, Grenoble cedex 9 - France     
Tél :

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