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Re: velgrad


2. have a getter/setter, where setVelGrad would re-pre-compute
everything; equivalent to 1 functionally, but more user-friendly.

3. Always have those engine before NewtonIntegrator (how to assure

(2) can work, but the risk is to integrate the deformation many times in only one step (imagine I set velGrad). Something like (3) would be enough for me, with explicit warnings in files documentation. It is the job of users to understand how engines interact with each other. Trying to make the code foolproof is just making things more complex and less versatile, sometimes.

I will commit a working periodic triaxial test in a matter of minutes.

A few questions :
-does simple-scene-plot.py work for you? I couldn't plot anything for now, so I'm heading back to ofiles+gnuplot... Could you show me how to plot e.g. stress vs. strain in this attached script (not working for you since you need the new periEngine of next commit)? -What is the syntax for modifying only one component of a matrix3r with python?




Chareyre Bruno
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