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Re: Compilation Problem


Omer Ardic said:     (by the date of Mon, 17 Jul 2006 15:25:17 +0300)

> Then, compilation aborted again due to the following problem:
> In the compilation of the file
> ...yade-package-dem/src/RenderingEngine/GLDrawPolyhedralSweptSphere/GLDrawPolyhedralSweptSphere.cpp
> compiler gave error that "line 14: GL/freeglut_ext.h not found" and "line
> 58: glutSolidCylinder not defined".

Yes, someone had a problem with that, on gentoo. But I didn't understand
how exactly he dealt with that. That's the last building note. 

Maybe you can try to include GL/mesaglut.h , or something like that? Is
there glutSolidCylinder defined inside /usr/include/GL/mesaglut.h ?

> I investigated the problem and I
> realized that there is no file named freeglut_ext.h and glutSolidCylinder
> function did not defined in any header files included to above file in my
> system. First I tried to install freeglut, but Mandriva is distributed with
> Mesaglut and did not allow me to install it.

> Then I removed the above lines from the file.

Yes, if you can't find glutSolidCylinder defined anywhere you can
comment/remove this line 58 in file GLDrawPolyhedralSweptSphere.cpp.
This is a safe solution. Also - this problem is totally unrelated to QtGUI !

> Consequently, compilation finished successfully. But I can
> not run yade in graphical platform. Program gives me the following error:

first of all - after all those changes, you should recompile again. Invoke:

make clean INSTALL_DIR='...' PREFIX_DIR='..' (with similar arguments like compile_install)
make uninstall INSTALL_DIR='...' PREFIX_DIR='..' (with similar arguments like compile_install)

and after that, build again:

make compile_install   INSTALL_DIR='...'  .. and all other arguments.

> terminate called after throwing an instance of 'FactoryCantCreate'
>   what():  ClassFactory::create - cannot create class named: QtGUI
> Aborted

also - did you set correctly LD_LIBRARY_PATH ?

please tell me what are the results. Did it help? If not, I'll have to
find what's the problem.

Janek Kozicki                                                         |
Yade-users mailing list
