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Re: problems with .tpp, .ipp, and loading QtGUI


Thanks! Installing libQGLViewer from the tarball instead of RPM fixed the problem. I look forward to trying out the software for a student project simulating some granular physics experiments in my lab.


I do not know if this problem is related to the fact that when I try
to run yade, I get the following messages even though /usr/local/lib/
yade/yade-guis does contain libQtGUI.so.*

      loading configuration file: /ncsu/kdaniel/.yade/preferences.xml
      Please wait while loading plugins.
      Loading from : /usr/local/lib/yade/yade-guis
      load unsuccesfull : QtGUI
      Couldn't load everything, some stuff may work incorrectly.
      Plugins loaded.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'FactoryCantCreate' what(): ClassFactory::create - cannot create class named: QtGUI

It is likely that I haven't satisfied some dependency, but I am
unsure which one. Any assistance in this matter would be welcome.

I assume that you have set up correctly the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Please
compile and run the example from the attachment (type make to compile), to verify that QGLViever is installed correcty. Omer Ardic has reported
that he had to install QGLViewer from tar.gz because .rpm didn't work.

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