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Re: about "simple spring"



Sorry for late reply. I was busy finishing my PhD (that of course
uses yade for calculations). Now I will be able to answer all the
accumulated posts on yade-users ;)

> I found the simulated result of simple spring, I want to know 
> which method of contact detection was used between boxes and 
> between sphere and boxes? The process simulated was based on DEM?

This is a vague question. Simple spring is a Discrete Element Method,
although a different one than ElasticContactLaw. The contact
detection is similar, first sorts all AxisAlignedBoundigBox-es, and
then checks if the volumes are overlapping. Later checks radius and
box. The method for calculating sphere and a rotated box overlap is a
bit long as you can see in the source.

# Janek Kozicki
Yade-users mailing list
