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Message #01081
Re: recorder problems
Did you try to stop by clicking on "pause" (and not on "stop") ?
When you click on stop in fact the .xml file is reloaded and so your
data files are re-created and so in the most of the cases (depending on
how the data file is opened by the recorder) erase the older data file
which was filled during your simulation.
If you want to change this you can give a look to TriaxialStateRecorder
: in the .cpp in pkg/dem/Engine/DeusExMachina/ at this line (l.44 in my
version) :
ofile.open(outputFile.c_str(), std::ios::app);
the std::ios::app allows to open the data file in an "append" mode. If
the file already exists it is not erased (defaut mode) but appended
Benjamin Fragneaud a écrit :
> Benjamin Fragneaud wrote :
> Hi,
> I got to the lab, and checked it again. With the CohesiveTriaxialTest,
> once the engines are setup the be run at each loop: uncommented
> rootBody->engines.push_back(engine_corresponding_to_the_one_I_want_to_use); the file are created when at the first step (generate step),but when I stop the model they remain empty.
> Any idea?
> Thanks,
> Ben
>> Thanks Jerome,
>> I try it right now and let you know if I have other issues concerning
>> this problem. Sorry for this kind of details, I'm just starting with C++
>> and debugging is always obvious.
>> Thanks again,
>> Ben
>> P.D: yes I read the getting started, that's an excellent first step for
>> beginners.
>> Jerome Duriez wrote:
>>> Hello. The problem is that the lines you wrote in the mail allow
>>> only to define the Engines which will record all that you want. That's
>>> neccessary to define them but not at all enough !
>>> Once they are correctly defined you have to make so that these
>>> Engines will indeed be executed when they have to. To make simple that
>>> is done in the lines occuring at the end of the createActors function
>>> //rootBody->engines.push_back(averagePositionRecorder);
>>> //rootBody->engines.push_back(velocityRecorder);
>>> //rootBody->engines.push_back(forcerec);
>>> And as you see they are commented...!! whereas the line about the
>>> triaxialtest recorder :
>>> rootBody->engines.push_back(triaxialStateRecorder);
>>> (above) is not commented...
>>> In fact these lines allow to access to the list of the Engines of the
>>> simulation will we be executed every time step (this list is the
>>> variable "engines" of the "rootBody" object, which you have to consider
>>> as the whole simulation). And so you have to put in this list (with the
>>> C++ function "push_back") the engines you want to be executed.
>>> Did you read my small "Getting started" ? ;-)
>>> Good luck
>>> Jerome
>>> Benjamin Fragneaud a écrit :
>>>> Hi Lionel,
>>>> This problem occurs also with Yade´s default preprocessor, for
>>>> expample with cohesiveTriaxialTest. In this preprocessor file, there
>>>> is two types of recorders:
>>>> - AveragePositionRecorder, ForceRecorder, VelocityRecorder -> doesn´t
>>>> work (empty recorded files)
>>>> Code used:
>>>> void CohesiveTriaxialTest::createActors(shared_ptr<MetaBody>& rootBody)
>>>> 00557 {
>>>> 00558 // recording average positions
>>>> 00559 averagePositionRecorder =
>>>> shared_ptr<AveragePositionRecorder>(new AveragePositionRecorder);
>>>> 00560 averagePositionRecorder -> outputFile =
>>>> positionRecordFile;
>>>> 00561 averagePositionRecorder -> interval =
>>>> recordIntervalIter;
>>>> 00562 // recording forces
>>>> 00563 forcerec = shared_ptr<ForceRecorder>(new ForceRecorder);
>>>> 00564 forcerec -> outputFile = forceRecordFile;
>>>> 00565 forcerec -> interval = recordIntervalIter;
>>>> 00566 // recording velocities
>>>> 00567 velocityRecorder = shared_ptr<VelocityRecorder>(new
>>>> VelocityRecorder);
>>>> 00568 velocityRecorder-> outputFile = velocityRecordFile;
>>>> 00569 velocityRecorder-> interval = recordIntervalIter;
>>>> 00570
>>>> - TriaxialTestRecorder -> works
>>>> The main preprocessor is available in
>>>> pkg/dem/PreProcessor/CohesiveTriaxialTest.cpp; it is also attached to
>>>> this mail.
>>>> Since my preprocessor is just on test, I preferred to use as an
>>>> example which is supposed to work properly, and that I'm using as an
>>>> example in order to understand the structure of the recorder egines.
>>>> Let me know if some more information is required.
>>>> Thanks again your help and time,
>>>> Ben
>>>> Lionel Favier <lfavier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> ha escrito:
>>>>> Benjamin Fragneaud a écrit :
>>>>>> Hi everybody,
>>>>>> I´d like to know if anybody already had problems with some recorders
>>>>>> like ForceRecorder engine, VelocityRecorder engine etc... this engines
>>>>>> seem to be constructed on the same basis. By using yade prepocessor
>>>>>> examples, I found out that this recorders create a document, but this
>>>>>> document remain empty (no data). The only recorders wich are working
>>>>>> properly are the stressWallRecorder as well as the snaprecorder, which
>>>>>> both belong to the triaxialTestEngine.
>>>>>> I´m not an expert in C++ programmation, I just started to deal with
>>>>>> this stuff one month ago, so I beleive that I must do something wrong.
>>>>>> Yade is actually running (one of the last svn subversion) on kubuntu
>>>>>> 8.04 hardy and all the yade components appear to run perfectly on this
>>>>>> platform.
>>>>>> Thanks a lot for your help,
>>>>>> Ben
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>>>>> Hello Ben,
>>>>> I think you should add an enclosure of your Preprocessor example,
>>>>> because a lot of various worries could happen ...
>>>>> --
>>>>> Lionel FAVIER
>>>>> Doctorant
>>>>> Laboratoire Sols Solides Structures, Risques (3S-R)
>>>>> Equipe Risques et Vulnérabilité (RV)
>>>>> Domaine Universitaire - BP 53
>>>>> 38041 Grenoble Cedex 9
>>>>> France
>>>>> Tél: +33 (0)4 56 52 86 36
>>>>> lionel.favier@xxxxxxxxxxx
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