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Re: RE User's Guide/ Documentation


> To apply different forces at determined moment you could use
> PeriodicRunnerEngine.
That would be pretty slow to be used for every iteration. If you have a
time-series that can be linearly interpolated, one could write something
like InterpolatingForceEngine (there already is
InterpolatingSpiralEngine), which is quite fast then.

> scons -j2 PREFIX=home/user/YADE optimize=1 feature=python openmpi=1
I'd rather suggest something like:

  scons profile=opt features=python openmp=1

You can also add version=trunk to have the lastest without changing the
name of exectuable and recompiling everything at every svn up.
Profile=opt selects the 'opt' profile, which turns on optimization,
disabled debugging and a few more things.

