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Re: Time Series Forcing implementation in python


I would also like to read my times series of forces from a file. Is there a python function that will accomplish. In the script examples I saw multi.py that is supposed to read some values from a file, but it didn't read from the file when I ran the simulation. I was wondering how to use this function (or another one) properly to obtain forces from file.
Do it just like you would in python:

for line in file('your.text.file.with.2.numbers.per.line.separated.by.whitespace')
    if len(line.split())<2: continue # skip empty lines
    f,t=[float(s) for s in line.split()]

def applyForce():
    # find index of the time we are at or just after now in the series
    # this is quite suboptimal, since it traverses the array every time
    while times[i]<O.time: i+=1
    # and use force at that index


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