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Re: Energy dissipation


BTW, a c++ question. Why are looping here over all the interactions if this is done in the interaction dispatcher? Sorry I am still learning :)
Law2_ScGeom_FrictPhys_Basic is not inheriting from a periodic engine..
cheers, Chiara
plasticWork is never reset (except if the user write in python plasticWork=0 at some point). In functor::go(), you increment it at each contact and each iteration. It is defined for the [0,t] time interval. On the other hand, elastic work is defined for time "t", there is no history. You have to make it 0 somewhere outside the FOREACH loop, each time you compute the current value. In fact, I had no clue where to put this elasticEnergy=0. It should have been in interaction dispatcher... or checking current timestep inside the functor to make sure we reset only once per step... way too complex for such a simple task. Thats why I choosed to make it a standalone function with its own FOREACH loop. It will be computed on demand.


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