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Re: UniaxialTest


> In these Kn and Ks, E and v are macroscopic properties.
What ever paper you use, macroscopic and contact-level properties are
two different things, although they might be equal in some special

For your code, it looks normal; comment out all non-elastic things
(including plasticity!!) and run the test again, i.e. you will have just
something like

 Real displN=geom->displacementN();
 Real Fn=phys->kn*displN;
 Vector3r Fs=phys->ks*geom->displacementT();

BTW it is quite confusing to call Fs "trialFs", since trial force (or
trial stress) is coloquially one before you do stress return in case of
plastic flow (you "try" if it is outside or inside, hence "trial"):


BTW2, at this line:

	Real crossSection=sqrt(2)*pow(geom->refR1,2);

order of id1 and id2 is arbitrary, and here you use just refR1 asymetrically.

HTH, v

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