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Messages sent to the yahoo-eng-team mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 95163 messages, page
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[Bug 1705012] Re: vif type unbound not supported when creating server
[Bug 1705012] Re: vif type unbound not supported when creating server
From: Kevin Benton, 2017-07-25
[Bug 1705012] Re: vif type unbound not supported when creating server
From: Kevin Benton, 2017-07-27
[Bug 1705012] Re: vif type unbound not supported when creating server
From: YAMAMOTO Takashi, 2017-07-28
[Bug 1704975] [NEW] Nova API floating IP delete fails
From: Marcus Klein, 2017-07-18
[Bug 1704975] Re: Nova API floating IP delete fails
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-09-23
[Bug 1704975] Re: Nova API floating IP delete fails
From: Marcus Klein, 2017-09-26
[Bug 1704975] Re: Nova API floating IP delete fails
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-11-26
[Bug 1704975] Re: Nova API floating IP delete fails
From: Marcus Klein, 2017-11-26
[Bug 1704975] Re: Nova API floating IP delete fails (race with concurrent server delete)
From: Marcus Klein, 2018-03-17
[Bug 1704963] [NEW] Items per page doesn't work for Angular panel
From: Vladislav Kuzmin, 2017-07-18
[Bug 1704970] [NEW] When updating volume status, no translation displayed in choice field
From: zhang wenjian, 2017-07-18
[Bug 1704970] Re: When updating volume status, no translation displayed in choice field
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-12-31
[Bug 1704952] [NEW] VMware: Concurrent nova-compute service initialization may fail
From: Radoslav Gerganov, 2017-07-18
[Bug 1704952] Re: VMware: Concurrent nova-compute service initialization may fail
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-12-01
[Bug 1704945] [NEW] nova force-delete can't delete instance in vm_state block_device_mapping
From: blkart, 2017-07-18
[Bug 1704945] Re: nova force-delete can't delete instance in vm_state block_device_mapping
From: Ghanshyam Mann, 2018-11-28
[Bug 1704928] [NEW] updated_at field is set on the instance only after it is scheduled
From: Balazs Gibizer, 2017-07-18
[Bug 1704914] [NEW] Extend Quota API to report usage statistics
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-07-18
[Bug 1704914] Re: Extend Quota API to report usage statistics
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-09-19
[Bug 1704908] [NEW] Launching instance from image causes image to be deallocated
From: Chiew Yee Xin, 2017-07-18
[Bug 1704908] Re: Launching instance from image causes image to be deallocated
From: Gary W. Smith, 2017-10-31
[Bug 1704881] [NEW] subnetpools not cleaned up after subnetpool tempest tests
From: Eric Berglund, 2017-07-17
[Bug 1704881] Re: subnetpools not cleaned up after subnetpool tempest tests
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2022-12-16
[Bug 1704875] [NEW] Nova option api_class erroneously overriden in __init__.py
From: Derek, 2017-07-17
[Bug 1704875] Re: Nova option api_class erroneously overriden in __init__.py
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-07-17
[Bug 1704875] Re: Nova option api_class erroneously overriden in __init__.py
From: Kaitlin Farr, 2017-07-19
[Bug 1704875] Re: Config option api_class erroneously overriden in __init__.py
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-07-20
[Bug 1704875] Re: Config option api_class erroneously overriden in __init__.py
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-07-24
[Bug 1704872] [NEW] sysconfig use subnet prefix and set DEFROUTE key
From: Ryan Harper, 2017-07-17
[Bug 1704872] Re: sysconfig use subnet prefix and set DEFROUTE key
From: Scott Moser, 2017-09-23
[Bug 1704833] [NEW] Some actions are missing on admin/instances panel
From: Ying Zuo, 2017-07-17
[Bug 1704833] Re: Some actions are missing on admin/instances panel
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-12-28
[Bug 1704833] Re: Some actions are missing on admin/instances panel
From: Akihiro Motoki, 2017-12-29
[Bug 1593641] Re: Strange errors when using dump/dumps from jsonutils
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-07-17
[Bug 1704798] [NEW] GET /os-quota-sets/{tenant_id} API is failing with SSL exception
From: prashkre, 2017-07-17
[Bug 1704798] Re: GET /os-quota-sets/{tenant_id} API is failing with SSL exception
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-09-20
[Bug 1704798] Re: GET /os-quota-sets/{tenant_id} API is failing with SSL exception
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-09-20
[Bug 1704793] [NEW] tests_simple.py has side effects, allows test_create_users to pass when it should not.
From: Scott Moser, 2017-07-17
[Bug 1704788] [NEW] Hardcoded choices for nova scheduler driver
From: Masha Atakova, 2017-07-17
[Bug 1704788] Re: Hardcoded choices for nova scheduler driver
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-07-17
[Bug 1704788] Re: Hardcoded choices for nova scheduler driver
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-08-02
[Bug 1704680] [NEW] Actions that are not allowed for locked instances should be hidden
From: Ying Zuo, 2017-07-16
[Bug 1704588] [NEW] Functional test_rebuild_server_with_description fails with "[nova.api.openstack.wsgi] HTTP exception thrown: Instance 8e48b388-2599-4dec-a920-bcba43a5ffb0 is in an invalid state for 'rebuild'"
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-07-15
[Bug 1704588] Re: Functional test_rebuild_server_with_description fails with "[nova.api.openstack.wsgi] HTTP exception thrown: Instance 8e48b388-2599-4dec-a920-bcba43a5ffb0 is in an invalid state for 'rebuild'"
From: Matt Riedemann, 2018-08-08
[Bug 1703304] Re: A js bug in jobs page.
From: Rob Cresswell, 2017-07-15
[Bug 1704574] [NEW] [placement] attempt to put allocation to resource provide that does not host class of resource causes 500
From: Chris Dent, 2017-07-15
[Bug 1704574] Re: [placement] attempt to put allocation to resource provide that does not host class of resource causes 500
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-07-18
[Bug 1704574] Re: [placement] attempt to put allocation to resource provide that does not host class of resource causes 500
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-07-18
[Bug 1704522] [NEW] Good error message is needed when ImageNUMATopologyAsymmetric is raised
From: Vikram Hosakote, 2017-07-15
[Bug 1704522] Re: Good error message is needed when ImageNUMATopologyAsymmetric is raised
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-07-26
[Bug 1704466] [NEW] Containers failing to properly set interface IP addresses during juju deploy
From: Jeff Hillman, 2017-07-14
[Bug 1704458] [NEW] The use_ipv6 flag not only influences nova networking
From: Denes Nemeth, 2017-07-14
[Bug 1704458] Re: The use_ipv6 flag not only influences nova networking
From: Stephen Finucane, 2017-09-01
[Bug 1704398] Re: Inheriting trunk subport segmentation details leaks information
From: Jeremy Stanley, 2017-07-14
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1704398] Re: Inheriting trunk subport segmentation details leaks information
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-09-16
[Bug 1704423] [NEW] _test_unshelve_server intermittently fails in functional versioned notification tests
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-07-14
[Bug 1704423] Re: _test_unshelve_server intermittently fails in functional versioned notification tests
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-07-17
[Bug 1704392] [NEW] TestInstanceNotificationSample.test_volume_swap_server fails with "testtools.matchers._impl.MismatchError: 7 != 6"
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-07-14
[Bug 1704392] Re: TestInstanceNotificationSample.test_volume_swap_server fails with "testtools.matchers._impl.MismatchError: 7 != 6"
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-07-18
[Bug 1704293] [NEW] We can not set volume's type when creating a vm from image by creating a volume
From: liuxiuli, 2017-07-14
[Bug 1704293] Re: We can not set volume's type when creating a vm from image by creating a volume
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-07-21
[Bug 1704260] [NEW] load-edit should be commonized
From: Shu Muto, 2017-07-14
[Bug 1704260] Re: load-edit should be commonized
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-11-30
[Bug 1704228] [NEW] Aℴl customer service +18 447756411 Aℴl tech support Number , Aℴl .
From: fekuvus, 2017-07-13
[Bug 1704228] Re: Aℴl customer service +18 447756411 Aℴl tech support Number , Aℴl .
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-07-21
[Bug 1704230] [NEW] @Help Call+++++1*844-775-6-411 AOL Mail support phone number
From: fekuvus, 2017-07-13
[Bug 1704230] Re: @Help Call+++++1*844-775-6-411 AOL Mail support phone number
From: William Grant, 2017-07-13
[Bug 1704231] [NEW] Ironic driver calling _get_node() with nodename
From: Ed Leafe, 2017-07-13
[Bug 1704231] Re: Ironic driver calling _get_node() with nodename
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-08-23
[Bug 1704212] [NEW] MAAS marks node 'Deployed' before sshd is up
From: Jason Hobbs, 2017-07-13
[Bug 1704212] Re: MAAS marks node 'Deployed' before sshd is up
From: Andres Rodriguez, 2017-07-20
[Bug 1704212] Re: MAAS marks node 'Deployed' before sshd is up
From: Dan Watkins, 2019-02-22
[Bug 1704205] [NEW] GET /v3/role_assignments?effective&include_names API fails in unexpected 500 errot
From: prashkre, 2017-07-13
[Bug 1704205] Re: GET /v3/role_assignments?effective&include_names API fails with unexpected 500 error
From: Lance Bragstad, 2017-07-14
[Bug 1704205] Re: GET /v3/role_assignments?effective&include_names API fails with unexpected 500 error
From: Matthew Edmonds, 2017-07-17
[Bug 1704205] Re: GET /v3/role_assignments?effective&include_names API fails with unexpected 500 error
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-08-02
[Bug 1704205] Re: GET /v3/role_assignments?effective&include_names API fails with unexpected 500 error
From: Lance Bragstad, 2017-08-02
[Bug 1704196] [NEW] Error on detaching a volume with vmwareapi driver when the instance was migrated to same datastore of the volume
From: Marcio Roberto Starke, 2017-07-13
[Bug 1704196] Re: Error on detaching a volume with vmwareapi driver when the instance was migrated to same datastore of the volume
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-08-28
[Bug 1704179] [NEW] Too many period db actions in large scale clusters increase the load of database
From: zhang zhenzhong, 2017-07-13
[Bug 1704179] Re: Too many period db actions in large scale clusters increase the load of database
From: Matt Riedemann, 2019-08-21
[Bug 1704148] [NEW] OAUTH functional tests are broken on stable/ocata and stable/newton
From: Colleen Murphy, 2017-07-13
[Bug 1704148] Re: OAUTH functional tests are broken on stable/ocata and stable/newton
From: Lance Bragstad, 2017-07-25
[Bug 1704148] Re: OAUTH functional tests are broken on stable/ocata and stable/newton
From: Lance Bragstad, 2018-04-09
[Bug 1704148] Re: OAUTH functional tests are broken on stable/ocata and stable/newton
From: Morgan Fainberg, 2018-10-24
[Bug 1704137] [NEW] Refactor tag standard attribute
From: Hirofumi Ichihara, 2017-07-13
[Bug 1704137] Re: Refactor tag standard attribute
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2022-11-30
[Bug 1704118] [NEW] Spinner is stuck when deleting image in angularized panel
From: Bence Romsics, 2017-07-13
[Bug 1704118] Re: Spinner is stuck when deleting image in angularized panel
From: OpenStack Infra, 2018-04-13
[Bug 1704121] [NEW] VPNaaS integration with services flavor framework
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-07-13
[Bug 1704121] Re: VPNaaS integration with services flavor framework
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2024-10-02
[Bug 1704089] [NEW] Can not reload Angular panel
From: Vladislav Kuzmin, 2017-07-13
[Bug 1704089] Re: Can not reload Angular panel
From: Shu Muto, 2017-08-07
[Bug 1704077] [NEW] neutron install ovs failed, can`t find kernel-devel
From: Wei Li, 2017-07-13
[Bug 1704077] Re: neutron install ovs failed, can`t find kernel-devel
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-08-02
[Bug 1704074] [NEW] Domain name got null in users table.
From: Debo Zhang, 2017-07-13
[Bug 1704071] [NEW] XenAPI: volume VM live migration failed with VDI_NOT_IN_MAP
From: Jianghua Wang, 2017-07-13
[Bug 1704071] Re: XenAPI: volume VM live migration failed with VDI_NOT_IN_MAP
From: OpenStack Infra, 2018-03-12
[Bug 1704043] [NEW] Expose `sudo_file` parameter
From: Ivan Kurnosov, 2017-07-13
[Bug 1704043] Re: Expose `sudo_file` parameter
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2018-09-12
[Bug 1704014] [NEW] Instance resize and rebuild actions should be shown as destructive actions
From: Ying Zuo, 2017-07-12
[Bug 1704014] Re: Instance resize and rebuild actions should be shown as destructive actions
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-08-04
[Bug 1704012] [NEW] hw_video:ram_max_mb is tracked for quota but not compute node resource provider allocations
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-07-12
[Bug 1704010] [NEW] VMware: attach volume fails with AttributeError
From: Vipin Balachandran, 2017-07-12
[Bug 1704010] Re: VMware: attach volume fails with AttributeError
From: Vipin Balachandran, 2017-08-25
[Bug 1704000] [NEW] Sometimes OVO unit tests clash on non-unique attributes
From: Ihar Hrachyshka, 2017-07-12
[Bug 1704000] Re: Sometimes OVO unit tests clash on non-unique attributes
From: Ihar Hrachyshka, 2017-08-01
[Bug 1703976] [NEW] New API call to get details of supported QoS rule type
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-07-12
[Bug 1703976] Re: New API call to get details of supported QoS rule type
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-08-02
[Bug 1703954] [NEW] Attach/Detach encrypted volume problems with real paths
From: Gorka Eguileor, 2017-07-12
[Bug 1703954] Re: Attach/Detach encrypted volume problems with real paths
From: Gorka Eguileor, 2017-12-15
[Bug 1703954] Re: Attach/Detach encrypted volume problems with real paths
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-12-19
[Bug 1703938] [NEW] AttributeError: 'PortContext' object has no attribute 'session' in l3_hamode_db
From: Ihar Hrachyshka, 2017-07-12
[Bug 1703938] Re: AttributeError: 'PortContext' object has no attribute 'session' in l3_hamode_db
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-07-17
[Bug 1703935] [NEW] GCE unit test tries to connect to the network
From: Joonas Kylmälä, 2017-07-12
[Bug 1703935] Re: GCE unit test tries to connect to the network
From: Scott Moser, 2017-09-22
[Bug 1703917] [NEW] Sometimes test_update_user_password fails with Unauthorized
From: Ihar Hrachyshka, 2017-07-12
[Bug 1703856] [NEW] 502 Bad gateway error on image-create
From: Ellen Batbouta, 2017-07-12
[Bug 1703856] [NEW] 502 Bad gateway error on image-create
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-07-14
[Bug 1703856] Re: 502 Bad gateway error on image-create
From: Rabi Mishra, 2017-07-14
[Bug 1703856] Re: 502 Bad gateway error on image-create
From: Rico Lin, 2017-07-18
[Bug 1703856] Re: 502 Bad gateway error on image-create
From: Brian Rosmaita, 2017-10-20
[Bug 1703844] [NEW] api-ref for GET os-instance-actions does not list event's key(start_time etc) as optional
From: Ghanshyam Mann, 2017-07-12
[Bug 1703844] Re: api-ref for GET os-instance-actions does not list event's key(start_time etc) as optional
From: Ghanshyam Mann, 2017-07-14
[Bug 1459042] Re: cloud-init fails to report IPv6 connectivity when booting
From: Dr. Jens Rosenboom, 2017-07-12
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1459042] Re: cloud-init fails to report IPv6 connectivity when booting
From: Dr. Jens Harbott, 2017-11-24
[Bug 1703789] [NEW] Disk setup example text only lists MBR as valid table_type
From: Sandor Zeestraten, 2017-07-12
[Bug 1703789] Re: Disk setup example text only lists MBR as valid table_type
From: Scott Moser, 2017-07-31
[Bug 1703789] Re: Disk setup example text only lists MBR as valid table_type
From: Scott Moser, 2017-09-23
[Bug 1703789] Re: Disk setup example text only lists MBR as valid table_type
From: Brett Holman, 2024-07-29
[Bug 1703760] [NEW] Cann't update flavor access if base information is not changed.
From: Debo Zhang, 2017-07-12
[Bug 1703760] Re: Cann't update flavor access if base information is not changed.
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-07-24
[Bug 1229823] Re: Image cache clean should catch the not exist exception
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-07-12
[Bug 1703708] [NEW] Horizon image upload with bad Glance CORS config fails with "[object Object]"
From: Mathieu Gagné, 2017-07-12
[Bug 1703708] Re: Horizon image upload with bad Glance CORS config fails with "[object Object]"
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-08-21
[Bug 1703699] [NEW] B*m*W+!!!!!++$$$$++1@@844+==851***9490 FACEBOOK phone number==FACEBOOK support phone number
From: mhhlhlfghfgl, 2017-07-11
[Bug 1703699] Re: B*m*W+!!!!!++$$$$++1@@844+==851***9490 FACEBOOK phone number==FACEBOOK support phone number
From: William Grant, 2017-07-11
[Bug 1703700] [NEW] TATA~MOTORS++1@@844+==851***9490 FACEBOOK phone number==FACEBOOK support phone number
From: mhhlhlfghfgl, 2017-07-11
[Bug 1703700] Re: TATA~MOTORS++1@@844+==851***9490 FACEBOOK phone number==FACEBOOK support phone number
From: William Grant, 2017-07-11
[Bug 1703701] [NEW] ~~~~HElp For FACEBOOK++1@@844+*851***9490 FACEBOOK phone number==FACEBOOK support phone number
From: mhhlhlfghfgl, 2017-07-11
[Bug 1703701] Re: ~~~~HElp For FACEBOOK++1@@844+*851***9490 FACEBOOK phone number==FACEBOOK support phone number
From: William Grant, 2017-07-11
[Bug 1703697] [NEW] tox fails under python 3.6
From: Joshua Powers, 2017-07-11
[Bug 1703697] Re: tests fail under python 3.6
From: Scott Moser, 2017-07-18
[Bug 1703697] Re: tests fail under python 3.6
From: Scott Moser, 2017-07-19
[Bug 1703697] Re: tests fail under python 3.6
From: Scott Moser, 2017-09-23
[Bug 1133435] Re: policy should return a 400 if a required field is missing
From: Matthew Edmonds, 2017-07-11
[Bug 1703666] [NEW] Templated catalog does not handle multi-regions properly
From: Erik Olof Gunnar Andersson, 2017-07-11
[Bug 1703666] Re: Templated catalog does not handle multi-regions properly
From: Lance Bragstad, 2017-07-25
[Bug 1703666] Re: Templated catalog does not handle multi-regions properly
From: OpenStack Infra, 2018-03-08
[Bug 1703666] Re: Templated catalog does not handle multi-regions properly
From: OpenStack Infra, 2018-03-16
[Bug 1703629] [NEW] Evacuation fails for instances with PCI devices due to missing migration
From: Steven Webster, 2017-07-11
[Bug 1703629] Re: Evacuation fails for instances with PCI devices due to missing migration
From: OpenStack Infra, 2018-01-22
[Bug 1703629] Re: Evacuation fails for instances with PCI devices due to missing migration
From: Matt Riedemann, 2018-08-09
[Bug 1703629] Re: Evacuation fails for instances with PCI devices due to missing migration
From: Matt Riedemann, 2018-09-27
[Bug 1088611] Re: using random hostnames to detect dns proxies allows for false positives
From: Scott Moser, 2017-07-11
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1088611] Re: using random hostnames to detect dns proxies allows for false positives
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-07-31
[Bug 1088611] Re: using random hostnames to detect dns proxies allows for false positives
From: Scott Moser, 2017-07-31
[Bug 1088611] Re: using random hostnames to detect dns proxies allows for false positives
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-09-13
[Bug 1088611] Re: using random hostnames to detect dns proxies allows for false positives
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-09-13
[Bug 1088611] Re: using random hostnames to detect dns proxies allows for false positives
From: Scott Moser, 2017-09-23
[Bug 1702466] Re: Subnet details page fails when a subnet uses IPv6 with prefix delegation
From: Jorge, 2017-07-11
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1702466] Re: Subnet details page fails when a subnet uses IPv6 with prefix delegation
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-10-17
[Bug 1702466] Re: Subnet details page fails when a subnet uses IPv6 with prefix delegation
From: Corey Bryant, 2018-02-12
[Bug 1703602] [NEW] Wrong snapshot usage info
From: Michael Dovgal, 2017-07-11
[Bug 1703584] [NEW] Get rid of redundant cinder api calls
From: Michael Dovgal, 2017-07-11
[Bug 1703584] Re: Get rid of redundant cinder api calls
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-07-19
[Bug 1696264] Re: Create OpenStack client environment scripts in Installation Guide INCOMPLETE - doesn't state path for file
From: wingwj, 2017-07-11
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1696264] Re: Create OpenStack client environment scripts in Installation Guide INCOMPLETE - doesn't state path for file
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-07-15
[Bug 1696264] Re: Create OpenStack client environment scripts in Installation Guide INCOMPLETE - doesn't state path for file
From: Alexandra Settle, 2017-09-12
[Bug 1703540] [NEW] Reschedule with libvirt exception leaves dangling neutron ports
From: Gary Kotton, 2017-07-11
[Bug 1703540] Re: Reschedule with libvirt exception leaves dangling neutron ports
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-07-13
[Bug 1703511] [NEW] Attach/detach volume should not showed in instance actions when cinder disabled
From: Min Sun, 2017-07-11
[Bug 1703511] Re: Attach/detach volume should not showed in instance actions when cinder disabled
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-08-09
[Bug 1703510] [NEW] ML2-Linuxbridge not keep routes on physical interface
From: Aihua Edward Li, 2017-07-11
[Bug 1703488] [NEW] Database not delete PCI info after device is removed from host and nova.conf
From: Eddie Yen, 2017-07-11
[Bug 1703486] [NEW] instance catalogue residual after excute resize-revert
From: tangxing, 2017-07-11
[Bug 1703486] Re: instance catalogue residual after excute resize-revert
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-09-23
[Bug 1486127] Re: No API reference of RBAC API
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-07-11
[Bug 1703467] [NEW] assert_admin is checking default policy rule not admin_required
From: Matthew Edmonds, 2017-07-10
[Bug 1703467] Re: assert_admin is checking default policy rule not admin_required
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-07-22
[Bug 1703457] [NEW] RFE: More intuitive usage of --min and --max arguments in openstack server create
From: Sai Sindhur Malleni, 2017-07-10
[Bug 1703457] Re: RFE: More intuitive usage of --min and --max arguments in openstack server create
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-07-10
[Bug 1703413] [NEW] Allow to set UDP ports for VXLAN in Linuxbridge agent
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-07-10
[Bug 1703413] Re: Allow to set UDP ports for VXLAN in Linuxbridge agent
From: Boden R, 2017-09-01
[Bug 1703392] [NEW] default rule no longer applies with policy in code
From: Matthew Edmonds, 2017-07-10
[Bug 1703392] Re: default rule no longer applies with policy in code
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-07-22
[Bug 1703305] Re: some functions are deprecated in tempest
From: Matthew Treinish, 2017-07-10
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1703305] Re: some functions are deprecated in tempest
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2022-12-16
[Bug 1703390] [NEW] Allow setting default region to log into
From: Jiri Suchomel, 2017-07-10
[Bug 1703390] Re: Allow setting default region to log into
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-07-20
[Bug 1703369] [NEW] get_identity_providers policy should be singular
From: Matthew Edmonds, 2017-07-10
[Bug 1703369] Re: get_identity_providers policy should be singular
From: Jeremy Stanley, 2017-07-10
[Bug 1703369] Re: get_identity_providers policy should be singular
From: Lance Bragstad, 2017-07-11
[Bug 1703369] Re: get_identity_providers policy should be singular
From: Tristan Cacqueray, 2017-07-12
[Bug 1703369] Re: get_identity_providers policy should be singular
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-07-12
[Bug 1703369] Re: get_identity_providers policy should be singular
From: Jeremy Stanley, 2017-07-12
[Bug 1703369] Re: get_identity_providers policy should be singular
From: Luke Hinds, 2018-04-25
[Bug 1703369] Re: get_identity_providers policy should be singular
From: Radomir Dopieralski, 2018-04-25
[Bug 1703369] Re: get_identity_providers policy should be singular
From: OpenStack Infra, 2018-04-25
[Bug 1703369] Re: get_identity_providers policy should be singular
From: Morgan Fainberg, 2018-10-24
200 of 95163 messages, page
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