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Messages sent to the yahoo-eng-team mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 95089 messages, page
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[Bug 1697634] Re: AH01630: client denied by server configuration
[Bug 1697634] Re: AH01630: client denied by server configuration
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-09-17
[Bug 1697635] [NEW] [Hyper-V][Azure]ssh session will timeout for a short while for FreeBSD on Azure
From: Hongjiang Zhang, 2017-06-13
[Bug 1697635] Re: [Hyper-V][Azure]ssh session will timeout for a short while for FreeBSD on Azure
From: James Falcon, 2023-05-11
[Bug 1697636] [NEW] AH01630 client denied by server configuratio: keyston-wsgi-public
From: men, 2017-06-13
[Bug 1697636] Re: AH01630 client denied by server configuratio: keyston-wsgi-public
From: Gary W. Smith, 2017-09-25
[Bug 1697621] [NEW] VPNaaS gate failure because of missing dependency from oslo.config
From: Hieu LE, 2017-06-13
[Bug 1697621] Re: VPNaaS gate failure because of missing dependency from oslo.config
From: Cao Xuan Hoang, 2017-06-14
[Bug 1697613] [NEW] libffi-dev is missing in bindep.txt
From: Akihiro Motoki, 2017-06-13
[Bug 1697613] Re: libffi-dev is missing in bindep.txt
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-14
[Bug 1697593] [NEW] ovsfw issue for allowed_address_pairs
From: Jesse, 2017-06-13
[Bug 1697593] Re: ovsfw issue for allowed_address_pairs
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-08-01
[Bug 1697588] [NEW] update tempest plugin after removal of cred manager aliases
From: YAMAMOTO Takashi, 2017-06-13
[Bug 1697588] Re: update tempest plugin after removal of cred manager aliases
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-21
[Bug 1697588] Re: update tempest plugin after removal of cred manager aliases
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-21
[Bug 1697588] Re: update tempest plugin after removal of cred manager aliases
From: Bernard Cafarelli, 2017-08-08
[Bug 1697588] Re: update tempest plugin after removal of cred manager aliases
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-08-15
[Bug 1697588] Re: update tempest plugin after removal of cred manager aliases
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-09-02
[Bug 1697588] Re: update tempest plugin after removal of cred manager aliases
From: Tuan, 2017-09-25
[Bug 1697588] Re: update tempest plugin after removal of cred manager aliases
From: Tuan, 2017-09-25
[Bug 1697588] Re: update tempest plugin after removal of cred manager aliases
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-09-26
[Bug 1697588] Re: update tempest plugin after removal of cred manager aliases
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-10-06
[Bug 1697580] [NEW] Cinder volumes not always attached to instance in order presented
From: Kevin Lambright, 2017-06-13
[Bug 1697580] Re: Cinder volumes not always attached to instance in order presented
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-09-11
[Bug 1697573] [NEW] ipset v6.19: Set cannot be destroyed: it is in use by a kernel component\n
From: shiliang, 2017-06-13
[Bug 1697564] [NEW] Failed to resize instance after changing ssh's port
From: Eric Xie, 2017-06-13
[Bug 1697564] Re: Failed to resize instance after changing ssh's port
From: Sean Dague, 2017-06-14
[Bug 1697563] [NEW] api-ref: GET /os-services does not describe host/binary request query filter parameters
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-06-13
[Bug 1697563] Re: api-ref: GET /os-services does not describe host/binary request query filter parameters
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-13
[Bug 1697537] [NEW] cinder v3 api, validate_bdm calling ._check_attach_and_reserve_volume without bdm
From: Steve Noyes, 2017-06-12
[Bug 1697537] Re: cinder v3 api, validate_bdm calling _check_attach_and_reserve_volume without bdm
From: Steve Noyes, 2017-06-12
[Bug 1697533] [NEW] test_install_flood_to_tun failed with: 'tun_id=0x378' not in u' unchanged'
From: Ihar Hrachyshka, 2017-06-12
[Bug 1697533] Re: test_install_flood_to_tun failed with: 'tun_id=0x378' not in u' unchanged'
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-26
[Bug 1697497] [NEW] PUT /os-services/force-down won't work with non-boolean forced_down field
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-06-12
[Bug 1697497] Re: PUT /os-services/force-down won't work with non-boolean forced_down field
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-06-12
[Bug 1697497] Re: PUT /os-services/force-down won't work with non-boolean forced_down field
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-13
[Bug 1697462] [NEW] Snaphot update TemplateDoesNotExist error
From: Michael Dovgal, 2017-06-12
[Bug 1697462] Re: Snaphot update TemplateDoesNotExist error
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-12
[Bug 1697458] [NEW] Cannot deploy stable/ocata
From: Yushiro FURUKAWA, 2017-06-12
[Bug 1697458] Re: Cannot deploy stable/ocata
From: Lance Bragstad, 2017-07-13
[Bug 1697458] Re: Cannot deploy stable/ocata
From: Silvan Kaiser, 2017-07-26
[Bug 1697458] Re: Cannot deploy stable/ocata keystone due to missing policy.json
From: Silvan Kaiser, 2017-07-31
[Bug 1697458] Re: Cannot deploy stable/ocata keystone due to missing policy.json
From: Lance Bragstad, 2018-04-09
[Bug 1697458] Re: Cannot deploy stable/ocata keystone due to missing policy.json
From: Silvan Kaiser, 2018-04-13
[Bug 1697426] [NEW] dhcp request packet didn't been forwarded from br-int to br-tun
From: MarginHu, 2017-06-12
[Bug 1697426] Re: dhcp request packet didn't been forwarded from br-int to br-tun
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-08-19
[Bug 1697410] [NEW] Add router interface checking for duplicated subnets should ingore external network
From: Dongcan Ye, 2017-06-12
[Bug 1697410] Re: Add router interface checking for duplicated subnets should ingore external network
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-22
[Bug 1697403] [NEW] get API call for service raises ResourceNotFound error
From: Abhishek Kekane, 2017-06-12
[Bug 1697391] [NEW] Can not delete the image has been launched instance when use rbd
From: 赵明俊, 2017-06-12
[Bug 1697383] [NEW] unsafe str call in linuxbridge trunk driver
From: Kevin Benton, 2017-06-12
[Bug 1697383] Re: unsafe str call in linuxbridge trunk driver
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-12
[Bug 1697349] Re: The resulting fields of Event List in CLI and in Dashboard are different.
From: Thomas Herve, 2017-06-12
[Bug 1697349] [NEW] The resulting fields of Event List in CLI and in Dashboard are different.
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-06-12
[Bug 1697351] Re: flavor.root_disk.size not work on version ocata
From: Hai, 2017-06-12
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1697351] Re: flavor.root_disk.size not work on version ocata
From: Sean McGinnis, 2017-06-12
[Bug 1697351] Re: flavor.root_disk.size not work on version ocata
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-09-09
[Bug 1697334] [NEW] Use the IP from allow address pair to launch VM will cause issue if the ip in the same subnet
From: zhaobo, 2017-06-12
[Bug 1697324] [NEW] _delete_segments_for_network callback fails with routed networks
From: Miguel Lavalle, 2017-06-12
[Bug 1697324] Re: _delete_segments_for_network callback fails with routed networks
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-12-09
[Bug 1697320] [NEW] IP not been configured in VM os, but openstanck assign IP for it
From: zhenhua.zhao, 2017-06-11
[Bug 1697320] Re: IP not been configured in VM os, but openstanck assign IP for it
From: William Grant, 2017-06-11
[Bug 1697320] [NEW] IP not been configured in VM os, but openstanck assign IP for it
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-06-13
[Bug 1697320] Re: IP not been configured in VM os, but openstanck assign IP for it
From: William Grant, 2017-06-13
[Bug 1697320] Re: IP not been configured in VM os, but openstanck assign IP for it
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-06-14
[Bug 1696094] Re: CI: ovb-ha promotion job fails with 504 gateway timeout, neutron-server create-subnet timing out
From: Emilien Macchi, 2017-06-11
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1696094] Re: CI: ovb-ha promotion job fails with 504 gateway timeout, neutron-server create-subnet timing out
From: Ihar Hrachyshka, 2017-07-12
[Bug 1697263] [NEW] Performance of authentication decresead in 5 times
From: Andrey Kurilin, 2017-06-11
[Bug 1697263] Re: Performance of authentication decresead in 5 times
From: Andrey Kurilin, 2017-06-24
[Bug 1697243] [NEW] ovs bridge flow table is dropped by unkown cause
From: MarginHu, 2017-06-11
[Bug 1697243] Re: ovs bridge flow table is dropped by unkown cause
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-01-26
[Bug 1697235] [NEW] Getting none possible datasources warning
From: Guilherme Tiaki Sato, 2017-06-11
[Bug 1697235] Re: Getting none possible datasources warning on non-intel arches
From: James Falcon, 2023-05-11
[Bug 1697219] [NEW] VMWareVCDriver Incorrectly reports total datastore capacity
From: Nick Howell, 2017-06-10
[Bug 1697163] [NEW] glance CLI doesn'tconsider anymore OS_CACERT
From: massimo.sgaravatto, 2017-06-10
[Bug 1697163] Re: glance CLI doesn'tconsider anymore OS_CACERT
From: Pavlo Shchelokovskyy, 2019-03-19
[Bug 1697092] [NEW] Working Toll Free * 1800 (213) 2171 avg antivirus tech support phone number free in usa
From: ashnaaashnaa, 2017-06-09
[Bug 1697092] Re: Working Toll Free * 1800 (213) 2171 avg antivirus tech support phone number free in usa
From: William Grant, 2017-06-09
[Bug 1696996] [NEW] H405 hacking rule (multi-line docstring)
From: Akihiro Motoki, 2017-06-09
[Bug 1696996] Fix merged to horizon (master)
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-13
[Bug 1696983] [NEW] ovs-fw: flows on br-int are overlapping with dvr flows
From: Jakub Libosvar, 2017-06-09
[Bug 1696983] Re: ovs-fw: flows on br-int are overlapping with dvr flows
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-22
[Bug 1696972] [NEW] host type 'm1.nano' not found when lanch instance
From: zhenhua.zhao, 2017-06-09
[Bug 1696972] Re: host type 'm1.nano' not found when lanch instance
From: zhenhua.zhao, 2017-06-11
[Bug 1693670] Fix proposed to ldappool (master)
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-09
[Bug 1696893] [NEW] Arping code should detect missing interface and return early
From: Brian Haley, 2017-06-09
[Bug 1696893] Re: Arping code should detect missing interface and return early
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-14
[Bug 1696889] [NEW] external_dns_driver causes floating ip association to fail
From: Daniel Russell, 2017-06-09
[Bug 1696889] Re: external_dns_driver causes floating ip association to fail
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-10
[Bug 1696874] [NEW] unsafe set reference in neutron iptables code
From: Kevin Benton, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696874] Re: unsafe set reference in neutron iptables code
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-10
[Bug 1618467] Re: cloud-init does not take into consideration proxies when adding PPA's.
From: Andres Rodriguez, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696848] [NEW] POST /openstack/2013-10-17/password returns 500 if instance is not found
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696848] Re: POST /openstack/2013-10-17/password returns 500 if instance is not found
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-11-14
[Bug 1696843] [NEW] metadata: POST /openstack/2013-10-17/password fails with InstanceNotFound
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696843] Re: metadata: POST /openstack/2013-10-17/password fails with InstanceNotFound
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-09
[Bug 1696834] [NEW] Intermittent "KeyError: 'allocations'" in functional tests
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696834] Re: Intermittent "KeyError: 'allocations'" in functional tests
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-08-09
[Bug 1696830] [NEW] nova-placement-api default config files is too strict
From: Corey Bryant, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696830] Re: nova-placement-api default config files is too strict
From: Sylvain Bauza, 2017-06-09
[Bug 1696830] Re: nova-placement-api default config files is too strict
From: Chris Dent, 2017-06-09
[Bug 1696830] Re: nova-placement-api default config files is too strict
From: Corey Bryant, 2017-06-11
[Bug 1696830] Re: nova-placement-api default config files is too strict
From: Corey Bryant, 2017-06-14
[Bug 1696830] Re: nova-placement-api default config files is too strict
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-19
[Bug 1696830] Re: nova-placement-api default config files is too strict
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-22
[Bug 1696830] Re: nova-placement-api default config files is too strict
From: Corey Bryant, 2017-06-22
[Bug 1696830] Re: nova-placement-api default config files is too strict
From: Chris Dent, 2019-03-11
[Bug 1696824] [NEW] Need to visit pylint 1.7.1 new rules
From: Akihiro Motoki, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696824] Re: Need to visit pylint 1.7.1 new rules
From: Brian Haley, 2022-11-08
[Bug 1696796] [NEW] No fip connectivity after switch to legacy mode from dvr_snat
From: Inessa Vasilevskaya, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696796] Re: No fip connectivity after switch to legacy mode from dvr_snat
From: Brian Haley, 2017-06-15
[Bug 1686743] Re: Ceph credentials included in logs using older libvirt/qemu
From: Jeremy Stanley, 2017-06-08
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1686743] Re: Ceph credentials included in logs using older libvirt/qemu
From: Sean Dague, 2017-07-24
[Bug 1686743] Re: Ceph credentials included in logs using older libvirt/qemu
From: Luke Hinds, 2017-07-27
[Bug 1696759] [NEW] Inconsistent RabbitMQ messages after subnet update
From: Ilia Abashin, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696759] Re: Inconsistent notifications after subnet update
From: Sylvain Bauza, 2017-06-09
[Bug 1696697] [NEW] raise exception if create Virtuozzo container with swap disk
From: Mikhail Feoktistov, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696697] [NEW] raise exception if create Virtuozzo container with swap disk
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696697] Re: raise exception if create Virtuozzo container with swap disk
From: Sylvain Bauza, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696690] [NEW] neutron fails to connect to q-agent-notifier-port-delet_fanout exchange
From: Pavlo Shchelokovskyy, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696690] Re: neutron fails to connect to q-agent-notifier-port-delete_fanout exchange
From: milan k, 2017-06-09
[Bug 1696684] [NEW] When the router of admin_state_up becomes false, the IPSec process is not terminated
From: Li Xiao, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696684] Re: When the router of admin_state_up becomes false, the IPSec process is not terminated
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-26
[Bug 1696685] [NEW] nova-manage cell_v2 simple_cell_setup creates an invalid cell0
From: Claudiu Belu, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696685] Re: nova-manage cell_v2 simple_cell_setup creates an invalid cell0
From: Sylvain Bauza, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696682] [NEW] port_range validator should allow a single integer
From: YAMAMOTO Takashi, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696682] Re: port_range validator should allow a single integer
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-19
[Bug 1696679] [NEW] QosSRIOVAgentDriver' object has no attribute 'delete_minimum_bandwidth_ingress'
From: edan david, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696679] Re: QosSRIOVAgentDriver' object has no attribute 'delete_minimum_bandwidth_ingress'
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-11
[Bug 1696668] [NEW] ovo_rpc semantics "warnings" are too verbose
From: YAMAMOTO Takashi, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696668] Re: ovo_rpc semantics "warnings" are too verbose
From: Trevor McCasland, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696668] Re: ovo_rpc semantics "warnings" are too verbose
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-07-10
[Bug 1696668] Re: ovo_rpc semantics "warnings" are too verbose
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-08-03
[Bug 1696664] [NEW] Order of the interfaces is not honored when using virt and SR-IOV interfaces
From: Itzik Brown, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696664] Re: Order of the interfaces is not honored when using virt and SR-IOV interfaces
From: Sylvain Bauza, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696664] Re: Order of the interfaces is not honored when using virt and SR-IOV interfaces
From: Sylvain Bauza, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696664] Re: Order of the interfaces is not honored when using virt and SR-IOV interfaces
From: Sylvain Bauza, 2017-06-09
[Bug 1696648] [NEW] Neutron allows user to create a security group with invalid tenant id.
From: Kiran Totad, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696648] Re: Neutron allows user to create a security group with invalid tenant id.
From: Trevor McCasland, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696605] [NEW] TypeError: unorderable types: int() < NoneType() possible during quota limit check
From: melanie witt, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696605] Re: TypeError: unorderable types: int() < NoneType() possible during quota limit check
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696574] [NEW] support HEAD requests for all GET /v3/* actions
From: Lance Bragstad, 2017-06-07
[Bug 1696574] Re: support HEAD requests for all GET /v3/* actions
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-28
[Bug 1696554] [NEW] api-ref: wrong type for marker in GET /os-hypervisors(/detail)
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-06-07
[Bug 1696554] Re: api-ref: wrong type for marker in GET /os-hypervisors(/detail)
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-08
[Bug 1696537] [NEW] test_keepalived_multiple_sighups_does_not_forfeit_mastership fails when neutron-server tries to bind with Linuxbridge driver (agent not enabled)
From: Ihar Hrachyshka, 2017-06-07
[Bug 1696537] Re: test_keepalived_multiple_sighups_does_not_forfeit_mastership fails when neutron-server tries to bind with Linuxbridge driver (agent not enabled)
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-07-03
[Bug 1696476] [NEW] Identification of e24cloud platform as using Ec2 datasource
From: Marcin Gibula, 2017-06-07
[Bug 1696476] Re: Identification of e24cloud platform as using Ec2 datasource
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2019-09-18
[Bug 1696476] Re: Identification of e24cloud platform as using Ec2 datasource
From: Scott Moser, 2019-09-18
[Bug 1696476] Re: Identification of e24cloud platform as using Ec2 datasource
From: Chad Smith, 2019-12-19
[Bug 1696437] [NEW] OpenStack logo doesn't look good on error page
From: Ivan Kolodyazhny, 2017-06-07
[Bug 1696437] Re: OpenStack logo doesn't look good on error page
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-07
[Bug 1696433] [NEW] ConfigDrive through Openstack gave datasource mismatch
From: Brett Hartley, 2017-06-07
[Bug 1696433] Re: ConfigDrive through Openstack gave datasource mismatch
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2018-01-26
[Bug 1696417] [NEW] nova-manage db online_data_migrations can fail when upgrading to newton under certain conditions
From: Trygve Vea, 2017-06-07
[Bug 1696417] Re: nova-manage db online_data_migrations can fail when upgrading to newton under certain conditions
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-08-27
[Bug 1696417] Re: nova-manage db online_data_migrations can fail when upgrading to newton under certain conditions
From: Guang Yee, 2017-09-06
[Bug 1696410] [NEW] (openstack) server list Unexpected API Error
From: qihuagao, 2017-06-07
[Bug 1696410] Re: (openstack) server list Unexpected API Error
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-08-08
[Bug 1696403] [NEW] Pep8 fails due to six 1.10.0
From: Gary Kotton, 2017-06-07
[Bug 1696403] Re: pep8 job (pylint) fails due to version mismatch between pylint and astroid
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-10
[Bug 1696376] [NEW] logging resource ut failures
From: YAMAMOTO Takashi, 2017-06-07
[Bug 1696376] [NEW] logging resource ut failures
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-06-07
[Bug 1696376] Re: logging resource UT failures on networking-midonet gate jobs
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-27
[Bug 1696309] [NEW] net-ip-availability-list not support filter by project id
From: Dongcan Ye, 2017-06-07
[Bug 1696309] Re: net-ip-availability-list not support filter by project id
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-10-19
[Bug 1696308] [NEW] list revoked tokens API returns 500 InternalServerError
From: Dinesh Bhor, 2017-06-07
[Bug 1696308] Re: list revoked tokens API returns 500 when pki_setup is not run
From: Vishakha Agarwal, 2020-03-31
[Bug 1696295] [NEW] [Hype-V][Azure]cloud-init failed to create user if "/mnt/cdrom/secure" does not exist
From: Hongjiang Zhang, 2017-06-07
[Bug 1696295] Re: [Hype-V][Azure]cloud-init failed to create user if "/mnt/cdrom/secure" does not exist
From: Scott Moser, 2017-09-23
[Bug 1696267] [NEW] Functional test test_sync_standard_traits intermittently fails
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-06-06
[Bug 1696267] Re: Functional test test_sync_standard_traits intermittently fails
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-07
[Bug 1694371] Re: Timeout while waiting for network-vif-plugged event during server rebuild
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-06-06
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1694371] Re: Timeout while waiting for network-vif-plugged event during server rebuild
From: Kevin Benton, 2017-06-13
[Bug 1694371] Re: Timeout while waiting for network-vif-plugged event during server rebuild
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-15
[Bug 1696221] [NEW] Unnecessary instance lazy-loads during rebuild
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-06-06
[Bug 1696221] Re: Unnecessary instance lazy-loads during rebuild
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-07-01
[Bug 1696221] Re: Unnecessary instance lazy-loads during rebuild
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-10-27
[Bug 1696176] [NEW] Add default routes for IPv4 and IPv6 only to ifcfg-* files and not to route-* or route6-* files in sysconfig
From: Andreas Karis, 2017-06-06
[Bug 1696176] Re: Add default routes for IPv4 and IPv6 only to ifcfg-* files and not to route-* or route6-* files in sysconfig
From: Scott Moser, 2017-09-23
[Bug 1696152] [NEW] nova notifications use nova-api as binary name instead of nova-osapi_compute
From: Balazs Gibizer, 2017-06-06
[Bug 1696152] Related fix merged to nova (master)
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-08-28
[Bug 1696135] [NEW] kali console (onecloudhosting) crashes
From: albert zakhia, 2017-06-06
[Bug 1696135] Re: kali console (onecloudhosting) crashes
From: albert zakhia, 2017-06-06
[Bug 1696094] Re: CI: ovb-ha promotion job fails with 504 gateway timeout
From: Alan Pevec, 2017-06-06
[Bug 1696125] [NEW] Detach interface failed - Unable to detach from guest transient domain (pike)
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-06-06
[Bug 1696125] Re: Detach interface failed - Unable to detach from guest transient domain (pike)
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-07
[Bug 1696125] Re: Detach interface failed - Unable to detach from guest transient domain (pike)
From: Dan Smith, 2017-06-09
[Bug 1696125] Re: Detach interface failed - Unable to detach from guest transient domain (pike)
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-06-13
[Bug 1696125] Re: Detach interface failed - timeout waiting to detach tap device in linuxbridge job (pike)
From: Kevin Benton, 2017-06-19
[Bug 1696125] Re: Detach interface failed - timeout waiting to detach tap device in linuxbridge job (pike)
From: Lee Yarwood, 2021-07-21
[Bug 1696111] [NEW] Keystone confuses users when creating a trust when there's a roles name conflict
From: Michal Dulko, 2017-06-06
[Bug 1696111] Re: Keystone confuses users when creating a trust when there's a roles name conflict
From: Kristi Nikolla, 2017-06-14
[Bug 1696111] Re: Keystone confuses users when creating a trust when there's a roles name conflict
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-06-22
[Bug 1696111] Re: Keystone confuses users when creating a trust when there's a roles name conflict
From: Morgan Fainberg, 2018-10-24
[Bug 1696104] [NEW] iptables without ipset are not being restored after reboot
From: Oleksiy Molchanov, 2017-06-06
[Bug 1696104] Re: iptables without ipset are not being restored after reboot
From: Oleksiy Molchanov, 2017-06-22
[Bug 1696098] [NEW] Race in deleting ports during Tempest Runs
From: Sean Dague, 2017-06-06
[Bug 1696098] Re: Race in deleting ports during Tempest Runs
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-06-06
[Bug 1696093] [NEW] When update a firewall, we should update the iptables firstly, and then clear the conntrack record, just like the function create_firewall(). Otherwise, the contrack record could be reproduced.
From: wujun, 2017-06-06
200 of 95089 messages, page
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