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State of the yellow squad's feature


Hi Jonathan and Francis.  I wanted to give you all a quick summary of where we are with our feature.

Our squad is well on its way to closing all of the Critical and High bugs, as you can see here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bugs?field.tag=story-better-bug-notification .  

 - We need db patch 65, currently causing a slony problem, to get some attention from Stuart in order to release the one Critical bug, 753000.
- We want Huw's help (and have asked for it under separate cover) for bugs 740631, 771239, and 771335.
- We have a few other small bugs that I think we can close without trouble next week.

There are two bugs that are most pertinent to Matthew and Ursula's review summary (https://dev.launchpad.net/QA/ExploratoryTesting/BetterBugSubscriptionsAndNotifications#Summary).  They are the last two big worries I have.

I don't know what to do about https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/772754 .  Note that this is pertinent to "Disable the display of the list of subscribers," about which Matthew and Ursula said "I still see the list of subscribers, so I assume this isn't working."  It is in fact working as expected, as I tried to describe, but what we expect isn't all that great.  None of the solutions we've talked about (which are documented in the bug) have gotten consensus approval on the squad.  I can have the squad JFD something, but I'd actually like to see if someone on the product team has any good ideas, or any guidance on the ones we've listed so far.  Depending on what we decide to do, this might be a small or a big task.

I triaged https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/772763 as low.  This is the heart of the problem that Ursula and Matthew identified as the other critical issue in their feature summary.  We fixed superficial polish aspects of the problem, but not the core issue.  We need to be told if the work to address the core issue must be done, and if so, whether we should do it in the hack-of-a-few-days approach or the proper-fix-of-a-couple-of-weeks approach.  Either way, note that it will require a database deploy, which will mean that we will need to decide whether to keep the feature from the public until this fix is released in the *June* db deploy.  This is a call for Jonathan and Francis together, I'm guessing.

Finally, I wanted to highlight that next week will have a skeleton crew in the yellow squad.  Everyone except Benji will be out some or all of the week (assuming my daughter actually decides to leave the womb soon!!!!).  If we ignore https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/772763 (that is, keep it as a low importance) and decide on an easy-to-implement solution for https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/772754 , and we don't get any more surprises next week, then it's looking good for us to be able to move into bug rotation in the following week.



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